the microwave guy.

what was going on? he was just blistering randomly.



my guess was that the micro was going crazy, turning the whole place into a giant mircowave. thats why the eggs were popping and the pop corn and all that


Thats exactly what happened. The door to the microwave opened while it was still running and had like a huge power surge and turned the whole kitchen into a microwave. it was cooking everything in there, including that guy.


lol for some reason the only parts I remember about this movie are the bananas oozing from the microwave which I laughed at and the guy with the hand drier that sets him on fire which I also laughed at, the rest of the movie is a blur



Yeah, it was interesting, but scientifically impossible if anyone knows how a microwave works...


oh man when the hand dryer burns the guy i was lauging so hard. i was only 7 years old at the time this flick came out hah. its one of the only parts i remember. i just now figured out the title today when i was looking through this crappy video review book at my job. there was a whole section of movies with killer appliances. score.



It was the goriest death in the film.


It was an amazing and impressive sequence even when the grapes turned into raisins.

"If this is torture, chain me to the wall"-Oliver and Company


I think, like the majority, I remembered the film as that one with the guy dying with the microwave, the other one burning with the dryer and the babysitter who gets electrocuted.

Darth Vader is scary and I  The Godfather
