MovieChat Forums > The Fugitive (1993) Discussion > Why was Kimble the only fugitive?

Why was Kimble the only fugitive?

After the train crash, they only got excited about Kimble.

No mention of a second fugitive - the black guy - was made at all.

Yes I know they showed him later being raided by the cops.

And Tommy Lee Jones plays an egotistical trigger-happy psycho cop which was stupid as well.


he was killed, simple as

did u not see it??


Yes I did see him killed.

I'm referring to an earlier scene.

Never mind. Anyone with more than 2 brain cells got a proper answer?


Are we sure the black guy was on death row? I can't remember I know they're all on the same bus but it's normal for prisoners of varying sentence to be transported together. Anyway my point is that I always imagined Kimble's high profile was such that Gerard was taking personal charge of his capture and maybe delegated the black guys capture to another team though he was still in charge of his capture.

We have to show the world that not all of us are like him: Henning von Tresckow.


Ok makes some sense now thanks


It's a good point but being a typical Hollywood film in which Harrison Ford was the star it makes sense that all of the focus was on him, by concentrating too much on the black guy it would've taken the focus away from Ford and made the black guy to look important in the story which he really wasn't at all.
