Alternate Ending

All the recent posts refer to the ending I just saw on a DVD. But, I have the feeling I saw this movie 10 years ago and the father shot first, ended up falling to the hall but revived and dragged himself out of the house gun in hand. A donny-brook in sued in which Arlis, with Kay's help, was finally the victor. Would definitely be a 'Hollywood' ending with the sweethearts living happily ever after. (Self defense.)

Was that some other movie or were there originally two endings?


Well I have never heard of that, and if there happened to be an alternative ending it would probably be tagged under the "Alternative versions".


You maybe thinking of Sleeping With The Enemey


I remember another alternate ending. Arlis and Roy are both in the house when Arlis realizes that he can still turn away from his dark side. He picks up the Emperor and throws him down the flight of stairs to his death. Meanwhile, Kay and Ginnie fight alongside the Ewoks out in the wheat fields in an attempt to lower the shield generator protecting the house.


Would definitely be a 'Hollywood' ending ...
I've only ever known the film to have the "Texas" ending we see and which is appropriate.🐭
