100 Mph *Spoilers*

I think that was one of the scarest scenes in film history . When hes going so fast that he rams the car and almost dies. He kept going fast and faster i dont know what hes speed was when he hit but that was some scary stuff i felt like if i was in the car and i had just crashed they filmed it realistic too not like those fake films of today. Really good scene. I was so scared i almost stop watching the entire film right there in there. I mean the guy is completely fearless, crazy, and dumb. that other scene where hes on the roof and couldve fell was scary stuff too , its a bit too extreme for me because the film is pretty realistic not bulloney stuff. Another thing is that it can be inspiring but dangerous because this guy plays with hes life a lot and people could be inspired to climb a top of a building like those idiots that saw the first jackass did and die or driving a 100mhps to prove a point very dangerous film but good.

Great film i give it a 10 but no more 100mphs for me one was good enough too fast.

Suffering? You Haven't Seen Anything Yet!


ya know what's even better is the fight between the two kung fu leaders in the good movie called fearless with Jet Li.

It's so freakin awesome and technically Jet Li's fists move faster then that car was going.

Talk about scary, imagine that car coming at your face 1,000 times in less then two minutes.

Because that's how strong Jet Li is.

And that is no balogna, the movie was based on fact too.

Plus, that scene is also in fight club (the 100 mph one). You want to see a movie, see that movie it will change your life instead of just scaring you because of a lack of explanation.

you gotta.


I don’t like jet li movies. Theyre too fake. Most people cant do what he does so in that case, people really cant relate just fantasies.

I don’t believe that. Most people say its based on fact and based on a true story. But if you really make some research youd find out its all make believe. There is no real evidence, mostly just hearsay and that is just bs to me.

In fight club I don’t like it as much. It looked less real, the concept was different, and now that I think of it sort of stole the idea from this film. I like fight club but in comparison this film is a lot better, the crash looks like a real crash and a real lunatic. And they go to the hospital afterwards unlike in fight club.

And what do you mean scaring you for lack of explanation?

And fight club is a bit nihilistic and unrealistic. Most of their ideas wont really happen in real life. A lot of people have tried to copy it. But a lot of bad things happen. So many people actually did and most people are not as committed as these people. So to me is totally unrealistic.

Suffering? You Haven't Seen Anything Yet!


Yes, well trained kung fu people can hit hard with lethal forces. Bruce lee was actaully hard to follow on camera due it's tremendous speed ... but so can the forces in a high speed car crash be lots worse, so you'd better be afraid.

The crashes in Cronenburgs 'Crash' come closer here i think (also a bit of an eerie unrealistic weird movie then again, but also about psychological disorder)

In this movie it's the most realistic situation and we can't all be fearlles like the samurai or shaolin monks don't we? And a bit of fear keeps you sharp and in touch with life ; )


yea i thought the scene was realistic and had a strong point rather just crashing for the sake of it.

i must completely agree. You must have something to keep you sharp if not you lose all control.

You've fallen in love with all the things in life that destroy men!


a way cool scene.

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"


I know these are old posts... But you guys talk funny.
