MovieChat Forums > Exosquad (1993) Discussion > Things Exosquad characters would never s...

Things Exosquad characters would never say...

Let's play a game (if you're in the mood), take an outrageous line and attach it to an Exosquad character, and remember, the more out of character it is, the better (can be a line from a TV show or a movie or something you thought up, doesn't matter). I'll start -

[Marsala hanging out with Nara Burns]
MARSALA: "It's as if we were made for each other - Beauty & The Beast. But if anyone else calls you 'beast', I'll rip their lungs out."


Torres: "LLP it's only a matter of time before Ziv Zulander...oh *beep* sorry I am so baked right now...wrong script. Sorry everyone."

Bronski: "I effin hate wizards"


JT MARSH: "I aim to misbehave."

[JT Marsh & Alec DeLeon are cornered by Neosapiens; Phaeton appears]
PHAETON: "We have you now, JT Marsh! And you're little sidekick as well."
ALEC: "Hey, why am I *his* sidekick? How do you know he's not *my* sidekick?" [Marsh rolls his eyes]


Kaz Takagi: "...home of the Shiny Greeeeen Suit"


[JT hanging out with the guys]
JT MARSH: "Man, that waitress was like all over me, and Colleen [O'Reilly] didn't even bat an eye. Am I really that whipped?" [bites into a hotdog]
KAZ TAKAGI: "She probably just figures that she has nothing to worry about because she knows you're a good, pure, honest, noble individual. So yeah, you are so whipped." [stuffs his face with pretzels]
ALEC DELEON: "You know what we really need here, guys? We need some input from Tater Nuts." [looks over at Bronski] "Tater Nuts, input."
WOLF BRONSKI: "JT- hey, stop calling me Tater Nuts!" [turns attention back to JT] "It seems pretty obvious to me that what's going on here is that Colleen is basically giving you permission to cheat. So... you've gotta cheat. That's like every man's dream. You could be living the dream. It's the American Way." [sprays whip cream into his mouth]
JT: "Hmm... Tater Nuts makes sense." [Bronski throws whipped cream at JT]
BRONSKI: "Quit it!"
JT: "You know, I could be out there right now, with whoever I want, whenever I want, and it would be okay because Colleen's basically given me the go ahead. Oh yes, I have the go ahead." [gets a devilish grin on his face]
KAZ: "No, you can't. Not only would it contradict the fact that you're a good, pure, honest, noble individual, it would mean that you would have 2 girlfriends while some of us have NONE!"
ALEC: "No JT, you're not a cheater. As a wise man once said, know thyself, and that man's name... was Tater Nuts." [indicates Bronski]
BRONSKI: "Okay, you know what, I've had it with this Tater Nuts stuff. Yes, it's true, I shave my legs, but only because Eve [Hanley] asked me to, as she feels it brings out my virility. And, to be perfectly honest, I like the way it feels..." [JT, Alec and Kaz start throwing stuff at Bronski] "Hey!" [they continue throwing things him]


Jonas Simbacca: "Choose your weapon."
JT Marsh: "Choose yer own, you fag!"


^^Hahaha, good one.

MAGGIE WESTON: "Going on six months now I ain't had nothing twixt my nethers that weren't run on batteries!"
JT MARSH: "Oh God! I can't know that!"
ALEC DELEON: "I could stand to hear a little more."


Bronski was always my favorite. Not the most presentable, but loyal as hell.

BRONSKI: "D'ja ever stop to wonder why we're here? I mean, really? We're just specs in an interstellar void, set adrift through life to toil in futility until we meet our inevitable fate- we become more forgotten history ourselves. *sigh* It all seems so nonsensical..."
TAKAGI: "Dear god, man, what was in those brownies?"
BRONSKI: "Wait... what?"


Hehehe, that Bronski...

PHAETON: "Do you really think you have a chance against us, Mr. Cowboy?"
JT MARSH: "Yippie-Kayai, *beep*


PHAETON: "There must be a way to crush the Terran resistance & Exo-Fleet! But how?"
GENERAL SHIVA: "I've got it! We'll kill the first born male child of every house!"
PHAETON: "Too Jewish."
