MovieChat Forums > Exosquad (1993) Discussion > How would you rate the romances of the s...

How would you rate the romances of the series?

The romantic hook ups of course being Alec DeLeon/Maggie Weston, JT Marsh/Colleen O'Reilly, Wolf Bronski/Eve Hanley, and of course, perhaps the most important of all, Marsala/Nara Burns (c'mon, it was a total Beauty & The Beast thing, much like Goliath/Elisa Maza from Gargoyles).

Believe it or not, I met a few people who thought this series didn't have enough romance going for it. Personally, I think the fact that the series didn't fixate so much on the romantic subplots was probably to its advantage, since the series was more about war than the sordid love lives of its characters, and we've seen in other ventures how letting the romantic subplots dominate is not a good thing.

Your thoughts?


ive only seen the first 12 episodes on surf the channel and i can't really recall much romance going on, but clearly it comes later. where can i watch more episodes?

the lack of traffic on these boards is really disturbing, considering how epic the show is. im really surprised and happy that finally someone found my topic that i posted in may and replied. sorry i dont have much more to say on yours, but like i said, i need to find a way to watch the entire series.

really glad so see another fan out there. did you ever play the game on the genesis?


You can buy a very high quality bootleg DVD here -

Yes, the lack of action on these boards is very sad & disturbing, considering that this was easily one of the best cartoons ever created, and the people who produced it cut it off before they could do a third season. What a loss... meanwhile the Simpsons gets to run for like 2,000 years, long after its expriation date.

Sorry, I'm a tad bitter on that subject.

Glad to know there are others who enjoy this underrated gem. No, I'm afraid I didn't get to play the Genesis game. Of course, I had Super Nintendo when I was at the peak of my video game playing days.

Long Live The Exosquad!


I'm not so much bitter as I am heartbroken. I would LOVED to see spinoffs from Exosquad, GOOD spinoffs. More episodes for starters, a good computer game, a full-length feature film. It hurts me to this day that no one important ever picked up on how awesome this show was... but oh well. This will be in my memory as my favorite cartoon probably until the end of my days.


I felt that the way they handled the romances were very mature. You saw them holding back a lot, putting aside personal feelings in the interests of duty. I think it put a nice touch on the sacrifices they were all enduring to preserve humanity. It's even better later on when they start confessing their regrets as to not making their feelings known when they had the chance (DeLeon comes to mind). The whole deathbed confession of DeLeon as he lay crushed in his E-Frame made me cry. I was like, 11. As an example (and someone may have brought this up already), BSG kind of went the other way, and subverted the survival effort to people's personal drama. It kind of make me hate the characters and resent them... instead of sympathizing for their plight, sharing in their sorrow. This still holds true 15 years later... there are times when I hate the characters of BSG.... but for Exosquad, the sadness that most stories find it very hard to engender is still very vivid in my mind.
