MovieChat Forums > Exosquad (1993) Discussion > favorite charachter..

favorite charachter..

mine was Wolf Bronski I just loved that fat oaf lol

my favoerite Neo was General Shiva.

nWo 4-Life! Halloween Rules!(The Holiday)


I always enjoyed Alec DeLeon.


Marsala all the way!

"It is over Phaeton... You. Have. Lost." - Marsala


Marsala was cool too, thanks in no small part to the powerful vocal work of Gary Chalk.


Colleen O'Reilly. Her profile was the best, the one that goes:

Graduation day at the Exofleet Academy is the proudest day in a young officer's life.
On the day that Lt. Colleen O'Reilly graduated, the Neo-Sapien war began.
Only a few cadets from her graduating class survived to join the Exofleet.
Lt. Coleen O'Reilly will never forget the ones that didn't make it.


JT Marsh and Alec Deleon were my favorites

My favorite E-frames were Marsala's and Marsh's though

Esse Quam Videri

