This show holds up.

My brother just got me the whole series on dvd (bootlegged from someone on ebay) as a bday present for my 29th, I used to watch this when I was 15 and was worried I wouldn't like it watching it now. I gotta tell ya I am even more into it now, sure the animation is outdated, but the story is so good. I have watched the first five episodes just today.


Exo-Squad is still good all these years later.


Agreed, i'm the same age, and was a little worried myself after buying Season 1, but luckily those worries were put to rest. The show's still unlike any other cartoon i've ever seen, and has story and character development on the level of BSG.


I went back home while I was on leave for a few weeks and I started watching the show with my brother. Both of us remember just how good this show was and that it was shown on Saturday mornings. There were several times throughout that we just looked at each other, shook our heads and wondered who they were writing this for (kids wolfing down their Coco Puffs)? I agree completely about the quality of the writing and story being right up there with the gold standards of the genre. Forget great animated show - this was a great science fiction show, period.


Oh definitely, I watched the series again about a year ago and was surprised at how much depth the show holds.

People do die, their is racism between both races, the it is a fairly engrossing sci fi yarn.

Excellent series, and I hope they release the entire series some day.
