MovieChat Forums > Exosquad (1993) Discussion > Who are the good guys?

Who are the good guys?

So the humans first used criminals as forced labor, then abandoned them on distant moons once the Neosapians were created, and those criminals turned into the Space Pirates. Then, they enslaved the Neosapian to do their hard work in the mines of Mars and Venus.
Let me restate that: The humans genetically engineered a living being, then enslaved it.
All the Neosapians wanted to do was have rights of their own, and not be slapped around by human masters. I love this show. It's absolutely brilliant, engaging, and intense to watch. But who should we be rooting for?


so i love this show and i check my little question up there about once every other month, just to see if it's caught anyones attention. just trying to keep this fresh.


You pose a very good question dracojfg. I guess it was all those years of bad karma coming back to bite humanity in the ass - first they mistreated the guys who became the pirates (true they were criminals but did they really deserve being abandoned in mines all those lightyears away?) and then mistreating the Neosapiens. I can root for JT Marsh because he's basically a nice guy, but when you think about it, the whole humanity almost wiped out by the Neosapiens felt like it was a long time coming. It's a shame the series was discontinued, because it would have been great to see the struggle of the Humans and Neosapiens trying to get along to deal with the mutual threat seen at the end of "Beyond Chaos".

I do hope you check out some of my own topics draco - the fan art, Nara & Marsala as Beauty & The Beast metaphor and a new one, individual assessment of how the series executed its romantic subplots (believe it or not, I've met people who thought the series didn't have enough love!).


I don't recall if the show ever really addressed these issues, but it's part of the reason I find the show so awesome. There wasn't some evil race bent on galactic domination that were definitely the enemy, it was a group of slaves who deserved to be free. I also vaguely recall the direction the show took toward the end, what with the humans finally emancipating the Neos and Pheaton becoming a politician and stuff. Such a great show, I can't wait for the DVDs.



The humans have deserved their reckoning for a long time, but the way that the Neo-sapien leaders were doing it was wrong. To have their entire race exterminated and enslaved is not something that any human could abide. The past has to be the past... and it cannot be an eye for an eye.


I like how the previous leader of the rebellion (Marsala) was on Able Squad.

Also, Phaeton was very driven, but not everyone supported him. There were very few mindless followers.

Napier and JT didn't get along at first, or much at all.

Yeah, so much good stuff.

Everybody likes the Shen.


Great question, but in the last war the humans were the good guys as evidenced by Marsala fighting on their side. 'What the humans did was wrong but it is equally wrong to now enslave humans.' - Marsala.

"I Hate Trolls"


The Exofleet were the good guys as they wanted peace between all races and Marsala who led the first Neosapien rebellion worked with them.

The humans had made mistakes and so had the Neosapiens but through the Exofleet they tried to work it out.


I would argue exofleet after the pirates join them. They have paid for thier crimes with the enslavement of thier race, and the alliance with the pirates.
