the end

what was up with the whole paper bag thing?


It held a sandwhich that Sisy got on the road, then she kept the love letters from Bonaza in them, then she burned the letters and forgot to burn the bag....
but I know you were looking for the "real meaning". Sorry I dont have it. But wasnt it an interesting movie? I mean it didnt was kinda crazy like...just crazy.
I really enjoyed it though.


Even though I must admit that Gus Vant's visual style was nothing short of magnificent, I thought the movie was awful. The script, the acting, the editing. There is still something a little endearing about it though.


I think they were trying to be profound or something... To be honest I personally found this film about as deep as a puddle.


Perhaps it means that the love remains, even though it's empty and there's nothing tangible left to hold (i.e. Jellybean is dead)??? I really have no idea.

"I don't know about what happened . . . because once you start writing, it all becomes fiction."
