MovieChat Forums > Cool Runnings (1993) Discussion > Help the Jamaican Bobsled Team reach the...

Help the Jamaican Bobsled Team reach the 2018 Winter Olympics

I've donated and I'm sure there's some people around here that would be willing to help too!


They've got this one too:


i tuned into bbc news and wondered why in the world clips of this 90's comedy was featured, the story was similar as i remembered playing out on this movie, the story of the bobsleigh team now from the continent of africa, to be at winter olympics, and this time... it was female, so might i make a prediction? you know where i'm going with this... soon there will be an all female remake of this movie, followed by a riot, or perhaps this is too much of an obscure movie in compare to ghostbusters and it won't happen. even without old footage i would have thought of this movie because it's the only time i've seen the same setting. i haven't watched this in years, wasn't this the first movie candy started putting a beard on, or the last without, or depending on where in the movie. if i recall right, this movie did not have an overwhelmingly happy ending.

⛸ 🎿 ⛷ 🏂

she put me out at stormy sea,
in heavy shower have mercy on me,
most beautiful shell is just a cover,
for the possession madeleine have under,
in insane weather taunts and plays,
ship wrecked by high waves,
jumped on a cloud she put in the sky,
above the sinkin ship floated around.


I donated $100 in 2014. Don't they ever get enough money?


I'll put my change in the hat to hear the song!
