favorite death scene?

was was your favorite death scene?(my favorite death scene was the one with the wooden voodoodoll and the nosebleed,i thought that one was really scary when i was littel!)


same here but i also liked the wheelchair one
No civilians on the dock!

Thank you very much. If I see one, I shall let him know.


I like the wheel chair one and the death where they all die in the funeral parlor.

CHD Petition:


Nose bleed, and when she gets crushed under the house


When Micah was dragged into the harvester, even though I kinda felt sorry for the guy, seeing how he had been possessed the whole time and was thus just a tool.

When darkness overcomes the heart, Lil' Slugger appears...


I liked seeing Micah get it. At least he deserved to die more than the other victims.

Love is never having to say you're sober.


The house one was hilarious!!

"You dirty little bastards!!!" Her funny voice made it even more worthwhile.


the nosebleed and the wheelchair crash

I want to hurt you just to hear you scream my name.


i also liked the wheelchair one
OMG, I hadn't laughed that HARD in a long time. I saw this as a kid & barely remembered anything, the old man claiming a semi-shy "bingo?" had me laughing for at least a minute after the scene!!!! Friggin' Hilarious!!!!

I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!


Yeah the voodoo doll is defintely my favourite

Matthew Followill is so purty.And he has dimples to make him purty


I only watched a little less than half of it last night because I took a sleeping pill... but I too loved that Wooden Voodoo Doll death scene!!! So great!!!


the scene where mordechai throws the spear at john and he cathes it. and mordechai just looks shocked as john throws it back and it goes straight through mordechais stomach.


the scene where mordechai throws the spear at john and he cathes it. and mordechai just looks shocked as john throws it back and it goes straight through mordechais stomach.

I was giggling badly when that happened. It was like they were calling time-out on the Mordechais kid's acting career.

When darkness overcomes the heart, Lil' Slugger appears...


little korean LOL so funny.


The rest of the town (Sheriff Blaine, Reverend, Mary (David's widow)) getting burn to crisp in the town hall. The Reverend was hilarious in this scene i thought

"I'll kill you you *beep*

"Fight it Mary! Oh God! Pray Mary O Lord! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"



My favorite one is one that actually hasn't been mentioned yet. It's the one when you see the corn stalk flying through the air, crash through the window, and impale the throat of the reporter.

Death lives in the Vault of Horror!


His partner's sliced throat started off the movie well.

The house crushing was just hilarious.


