Deleted and/or extended scenes

I remember a long time ago reading about the european version being heavily modified, with cuts from most (if not all) CGI scenes presented in the american teathrical version. If you see the trailer, you can spot most of them, notably scenes that seems to show He Who Walks Behind The Rows emerging throught blood and the main antagonist. I would love to see them or at least could anyone confirm this is, in fact, true? I appreciate.


The European version (UK, available from Anchor Bay) has only 2 differences: 1) the opening title sequence has the instrumental theme from the soundtrack, not the "We Are Waiting" rhyme with the children singing. 2) Micah's transformation scene is entirely cut (the scene where he becomes particles in a vortex that are then inhabited by "evil" particles). There's just a yell in the corn, then he emerges.

Ignore Republicans; then you rob them of their lies having any influence.


Micah's transformation scene is entirely cut (the scene where he becomes particles in a vortex that are then inhabited by "evil" particles)

Does anyone have a link to this scene? I, too, own the Anchor Bay 3-Disc edition and I'm wondering what I'm missing out on.


It's a short (less then a minute) scene,yet pretty cool. I have it on the original Paramount VHS and am going to upload it to YouTube as soon as my friend shows me how to transfer it from VHS. I can send you the link when I'm done,if your still interested :)


Thank You all for the replies. Yes, that is, indeed, the most notably scene missing from most releases and the one that stuck out to me the most. It's a scene that seem to heavily use CGI (a thing scarce through the rest of the movie) I would love to watch it in its entirety. Excerpts of it can be seen in the theatrical trailer.
