Can somebody please explain to Children of the Corn franchise to me?

The Children of the Corn franchise is a one weird and fascinating franchise.

Children of the Corn(1984) spawned 6 sequels,a remake & a 7th sequel in 31 Years and I'm very curious what classify's a sequel in Children of the Corn franchise logic because with the exception of Part 2 & 6 none of the films really bother to mention to events of the previous films hell even the original.

So is Children of the Corn IV:The Gathering really Children of the Corn 2.Verison 3.0 by a technicality it being a 3rd film that can be considered the 3rd sequel to the Children of the Corn film not really a having following narrative from Parts 2 to 3 that can effectively justify the titling of Children of the Corn IV:The Gathering.

Shouldn't Children of the Corn 666:Issac's Return really be Part 2 since it doesn't follow any of the plot of Children of the Corn V:Fields of Terror?

I hate that I'm a major film consumer and the people who make the films that I pay for don't even bother the convince me by making logical categorization of the films.

I'm terribly confused by this franchise I enjoy Parts 1,2,3,4 & 8 a great deal but I can't seem to find the logic that really makes this have sense as a series.


Part 3 did bring up what happened in the first 2 (the town anyway)


You're overthinking it. Children. Corn. People die. Films vary in quality (though even the better ones are subpar by most standards). Nothing much to explain.

Anyone here mentions Hotel California dies before the first line clears his lips.


Yes, almost all horror franchises do this. Nearly every horror franchise I know of has sequels that ignore the previous installments completely. Or in some cases they change their minds and say "actually, it happened this way." Unless sequels are from the creator of the previous one and/or continue where it left off, then I can pretty much count on some details being contradicted/ignored. It's not a huge deal. All the films are good anyways in my opinion.


Cool, thanks for letting me know.

Anyone here mentions Hotel California dies before the first line clears his lips.
