I just bought this on DVD! Finally I have the piece of crap on DVD! Who else has it?

Bradley, The Biggest MEGhead on the Planet! (MEG-2010) Trust Me. You'll Want To See This.


I have it on tape. Got it a LOOOONNNGGG time ago.
Sucks more now.

We're going to the Winchester.


I just bought this on DVD! Finally I have the piece of crap on DVD! Who else has it?

I do. Just got it a few days ago myself. What a great bad movie.


The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


I just watch it on Youtube


I've had it on DVD for a long time. I bought the trilogy boxset.
Truly a great bad Rodger Corman flick. It's like one of those movies you make with your home camcorder.


I did also got the trilogy movie set.The movie was great when i was a kid but know i realized now how bad the films really are.I do enjoy the dvd's though, like the menu and the biographys's of the actors


It's like one of those movies you make with your home camcorder.

It's not that low-budget. The dinosaurs are kind of fake looking but there's clearly some production value on display here.

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