MovieChat Forums > Carnosaur (1993) Discussion > head-biting-scene. when does it happen?

head-biting-scene. when does it happen?

okay, so i've been wanting to rewatch the scene where the t-rex bites of that dude's head for 10 YEARS NOW, and i JUST found out that it was this movie (i never knew the name of it. i started to believe i had just dreamed it up) and i just fast-forwarded through the film so i could watch JUST this scene, but i didn't find it. this is what i remember of it:

a man is standing in a warehouse and a t-rex shows up and stand over him. the man is like :O and then the t-rex bites his head off and slowly rips it off his body. the man's body remains standing and his entrails are all stringy, like when you bite into a hot pocket.

when does this scene happen? beginning, middle, end?


Check #9 - It sounds like the scene you're talking about. Also, that thread is for Carnosaur 2, not Carnosaur 1.


that's it!! thank you!


In the first Carnosaur, about 52 minutes in.

It's poor old Clint Howard.
