Favorite Scene

The scene when all three of them are in the car singing along to the rap tape was just hilarious!! It was my favorite scene and one of the funniest, in my opinion, in the whole movie. What were some of your favorite scenes?


i dont know why, but i was lmao when he went home and the little girl was reading about chiauahah's and the old lady said something like "shut up girl, you think you're all smart just 'cause you can read". that cracked me up. also, when the politicians son grabs his nuts and starts rapping to the dad. and one of the lyrics from a cb4 song that says something about "bi*ches on my d*ck like a human shish ka bob".


oh god, wacky d's music video! It remined me so much of the mc hammer and music factory cr@p that was on back in those days. Classic.


Dead Mikes Solo video, Brother Albar trying to get them to pay the money, Every Charlie Murphy scene.


HAHA I CANT BEGIN TO SAY WHAT WAS THE FUNNIEST? i came on to this post because fliiping thru the channels low and behold i came across cb4 Man i havent seen this movie i think since it was released. I love this flick i have to say i agree with the other poster all the Charlie Murphy parts were hilarious, man he looks like eddie !


The scene were he is on the phone doing the sex line job. 'Yeah yeah I'm licking your balls' Hilarious.


I think my favourite scene has to be the

"yeah yeah I'm sucking your balls,
best balls I ever sucked,
yeah you got big balls,
you got King Kong balls,
Your balls so big......... You just got some big ass balls"

but the following come close:

"You think you so clever cos you can read"

"Where's my money? I'll give you kiss of live and resussatate ur balck ass if I need to..."

Sex Scene on the balcony where Chris Rock is replaced with a blow-up doll


Yes that blow up doll part was very funny. I just kept laughing.

Milk It.


my favorite scene has to be the video for straight outta locash. The sight of everyone pointing their guns at the screen cracks me up every time


turn around and eat your big-ass biscuit!



One of my favorite scenes was with Lance Crouther's cameo when Trustus is in the coffin.

"Wheres my money muthaf)cka"

"Wheres my money muthaf)cka"

"I don't care if you have to give you mouth to mouth a revive your black I want my money"

And then he crosses his heart.

He's not just white he's blue-Nick Chen (The Corruptor)


Charlie Murphy franticly peddling on the exercise bike repeating "I'm gonna get some pussy!"



I agree, the coffin scene was hilarious. Punching a corpse in the eye at a funeral?.... classic


Those freaking biscuits the size of a basketball were dang funny.


The biscuits at the restaurant were funny. My favorite was the dream scene with all the rappers in the old folks home talking about the old days. Some old crone dressed up like Flava Flav. If you listen you can hear the background music is a piano playing a ragtime version of "Rappers' Delight".


Yeah, I love these parts:

Chris Rock doing that Doll part.

Ester: "Shut up girl, you think you're smart just because you can read, HEY BABY GIVE YOU GRANDMA A BIG KISS, he he he!! Hilarious!!!!

Video Straight outta Locash; with that Little boy raps to his dad.

Chris Rock brings his girl those Ghetto big ass earrings.

At the jail, those few white men raps two them- "Hey you guys are CB4"- cant even rap like eminem

They stuck in Traffic, the ghetto guy with rollars on his hair in Truck, and next those guys rockin in roll.

Chris Rock says" Suckin in the neckbone" Freakin Funny


Wacky D's video clip.LOL Wacky D is in the house

Got me trying to break a chain with a Brick!!!


lol chris rock and that groupie ...

"i aint goin down there!!"



There are so many.

Any scene with Allen Payne, he was just soooo sexy then. MMMMM!

I like when Phil Hartman's uptight Senator character was reading off what they couldn't say or do onstage at their concert. His facial expressions and delivery were always so great. RIP!
