Bill Paxton

I can't believe no one's writing on here about the genius of Bill Paxton in this film. He may only be in it for about four scenes but he makes the film worth watching. Absolutely one of the funniest characters I have seen on screen. "This whole scene's getting old, you're getting kind of old" Pure clowning genius. The whole film is hilarious; Helena for being such an evil bitch, Nick for being wretchedly pathetic, Ray for being the ultimate stud/jock style twat and Lawrence (Art Garfunkle) for his ridiculous hair. I think it's ace.



Yeah, Bill Paxton's character is probably the least developed persona I've ever seen on screen. Don't get me wrong, if it wasn't for his high waisted leather pants (with a thick black belt), I probably wouldn't have been able to finish this over-funded student film. Seriously, what director thinks repetitive slow motion shots are a good idea. Me and my friends like to do impressions of Bill Paxton's character whenever we put our sunglasses on and say "I'm gonna get laid". And does Jennifer Chambers Lynch really think the audience is stupid enough to have to get the bird trapped in a cage visual image only by repeatedly showing the metaphoric image redundantly?


Bill paxton and Julian Sands are GOD AWFUL in this film. They really bring it down.


Effie my man I love you (no homo)

Coz lifes too short to listen to Madlib


"Bill paxton and Julian Sands are GOD AWFUL in this film. They really bring it down."

Hasta whatever....


Yeah, I just rewatched it again. I'm a Bill Paxton fan now. I wasn't when I saw this in the theater in 1993--I didn't know him then. It was hard for me not to continually burst out laughing everytime he was onscreen this time around, because just the whole idea of Bill Paxton being that character, having that hair, dressing like that, etc. was hilarious to me.


Early in his career, Bill Paxton really was a pretty awful, over-the-top actor. Fortunately, that sort of worked when he was a spiky-haired punk who gets gutted in The Terminator, a jerk cop in Predator 2, and the tough-acting space marine who freaks out in Aliens.

Then he developed into a much better actor and continued on to a good career. I put that transformation right in 1993, when he went from this to Tombstone. He wasn't fully developed until Apollo 13 in 1995, but my guess is that Sam Elliott slapped some sense into him on the set of Tombstone, probably as the result of--and this is just a guess--a disagreement about how to wear a mustache.


I slightly coincide on it, but I consider that he wasn't so remarkable as an actor too, but I think some of his roles (such as in "Near Dark" and "Aliens"-but I didn't care for him in this movie).






he's a turd and always will be a turd
