MovieChat Forums > The Beverly Hillbillies (1993) Discussion > Classic scene - hillbilly airplane ride

Classic scene - hillbilly airplane ride

Anybody else find the hillbilly airplane sequence as funny as I did?

I am talking about the scene where all the Clampet kin and friendly folk are on the plane, riding to attend Jed's wedding. Everyone is wearing ridiculous-looking clothing (top hats and raccoon-skin-everything), and dancing to banjo music.

I'm sorry, but I was laughing pretty hard at that scene. Just curious if anyone else found it as "classicly funny" as I did.

The rest of the movie was pretty lame, though.



The two parts I thought were hilarious were on the plane. The first was when we find out that President Clinton is a redneck.
Pres. Clinton: 'Hilary, what'd I do with that invitation?'

Other part wasn't actually on the plane, but it was about the plane.

During the wedding, the reverend says,
'We are gathered here in case of an emergency. Oxygen masks will fall from your overhead compartments. Exits are located by the wings. Your seat cushion can be used as a flotation saith the lord.'
Then Jed says,
'Reverend, I think you're reading the airplane safety instructions.'


I think the poster was referring to the actual plane ride where the family went into the classic banjo song from Deliverance I think........Very funny - huge plane, huge redneck family mixed w/all sorts of business people -

Great movie - I totally dig it....great job - and how bout the REal Buddy Ebson playing Barnaby Jones - so cool.




The two parts I thought were hilarious were on the plane. The first was when we find out that President Clinton is a redneck.
Pres. Clinton: 'Hilary, what'd I do with that invitation?'

I laughed SO HARD at that one, too!!!! Only I didn't have to wait for this movie to come out to learn that President Clinton is a redneck; to me that was obvious all along! (My, am I bad or what!!!!)


Maybe Jethro re-inventing bowling was a bit funnier...


Oh that's one of my favorite scenes. It's definately a classic and it's something that I think my family would end up doing if they ever had to get on a plane ;p

"I love fat boys"


I totally agree. I can't think of the gradual begining of Dueling Banjos without thinking of the plane scene, instead of Deliverance. It was just awesome.

We can't stop here. This is bat country!


The whole Clinton joke is because he is from Arkansas and the Clampett's are from Arkansas. There might have been an inbred point there. That's the sterotype of Arkansas natives.

I rather think about that plane scene than "Squeal like a pig".



The whole Clinton joke is because he is from Arkansas and the Clampett's are from Arkansas.

Been a while since I've seen the film, so I do not know if the film placed where the Clampetts came from, but the TV show never did state which southeast USA state they came from.

The show DID reference a few of the southeast states with Clampett relatives and occurrences, but other than the fictional town of "Bug Tussle" it never said where Jed and the rest lived before they moved to California.


That scene's pretty fun. But the funniest one is a the beginning of the movie, when Jed attached Granny to the top of the Oldsmobile and they hit the road. Now they're driving and there's this huge branch, Jethro yells: "Watch yo' head Granny!" and BANG she's off the truck!! Really, I can't stop laughing when I see this scene!


Haha, the movie kinda sucked, but this scene just cracked me up! :)



Yea that scene is pretty great. I wouldn't say the rest of the movie was lame though, but yes that scene is classic.


I loved that scene. I would have had the same reaction as the normal people on the plane.

Men on Fitness


I agree the hillbillies on the plane ride, were hysterically funny to watch. One of the best scenes in the movie.


The sad, yet funny, part about it that people from the Arkansas Ozarks really ARE that way!!! They are really that thick-headedly STUPID too!!!

