Buddy Ebsen's cameo.........

Having Buddy Ebsen appear in a cameo as Barnaby Jones in this movie was a stroke of tongue-in-cheek genius. And the serious way he played it made it even funnier. This had to be the best cameo appearance of all time....


I totally agree. Genius.

"Mary had a little lamb, BUT I ATE IT!"


I totally got that too.

You're laborers, you're supposed to be laboring! That's what you get for not having an education!!


That was truly inspired! It speak to TV geeks like me.


I loved him in Barnaby Jones. It was so a stroke of genius to have him play the role in this truly memorable cameo appearance.


I remember seeing this film on opening weekend back in 93, and the audience broke out in applause the second Ebsen came on screen.

Mama always said sex is like a box of chocolates, the ones with the cherries are better.


It was funny, but was he filmed seperately from Lily Tomlin? They were never in the same shot. I think they filmed them at different times.


Are you sure about that? In the outtakes shown in the credits at the end, Ebsen is shown blowing a line and he and Tomlin both laugh about it. It definitely looks like they're in the scene together.

Signatures annoy me.


@rhonda-yates I thought he was just playing a private detective, I didn't know that Barnaby Jones was also a TV show. Yes, that was clever to have him play one of his other characters. A reference that some people got, though I wasn't one of them.

My fave cameo would still be in The People vs. Larry Flynt, where Larry Flynt plays the judge who sentences Larry Flynt, if that makes sense.
