MovieChat Forums > The Beverly Hillbillies (1993) Discussion > The Subway product placement makes me cr...

The Subway product placement makes me cringe

This movie was entertaining right until the Subway guy delivers a party-sized sub to Jethro, causing the movie to stop to a screeching halt. I've seen product placement crammed into feature films before, but that scene took it to a whole new level. It was like watching a Subway infomercial. Jethro might as well have said, "Now, a word from our sponsor" before he started plugging the Subway company’s delivery service.





Ha! I just watched the movie again tonight and saw the big sub. I didn't even know what Subway was in 1993. Would have been on a trip out of town in 1996 or 1997 before I'd heard of them.


I suggest you not watch any episodes of "Chuck" then! lol!


It may have been a product placement but it was pretty funny. I guess they did something right if the guy above hadn't heard of them in 1993 and now they are everywhere.


lmfao you moron, this was nothing like a subway commercial. it was hilarious because it was a big sandwich. i was 9 or 10 when this movie came out and i also probably knew little or nothing about subway at that time.

subway didn't become a household name until that fat guy and the miraculous (sarcasm) diet. to say this movie came to a "screeching halt". lol you must have the sense of humor of a turd in a pile of mud.


It was a GREAT joke based upon the HUGE appetite of the Jethro character as written in the TV series from the 60s. For breakfast he just grabbed a big bowl and dumped a whole box of corn flakes and tossed in about a half-gallon of milk.


The boy was born with a full set of teeth.


Who gives a damn if there is product placement in a movie it's entertainment and uh movies try to make money just like Subway just like you, if you work that is... douche
