subtitles and sound

I could swear that the one I got from Netflix had subtitles but the one I bought doesn't have subtitles and the sound seems really bad. Like I can't hear anything but one part of my surround sound. also I know someone else who bought the disc and it was defective. Maybe there are a lot of defective discs of this?
ps there is a brief thing about one of the quadriplegics in an easter egg just to the left of the top of the list of special features.


My sound is bad too.
Funny thing happened tho. i tried to take it back and they felt I was lying so they were going to play it in the store in front of a bunch of kids and stuff.
untill i stupidly pointed out it was R18

Is your copy the 2 disc edition in the cardboard box?


Nope, I don't have the two disc edition. What is on the second disc?
I would gladly buy this again if they improved the sound and added subtitles. Especially since music figures so prominently in Bubby's story! Good sound would be nice.


the new region 4 two disc collectors has good sound, it has 5.1, and a option for headphones.


OK, Cool thanks! Maybe it will make it's way over here.


I wonder if the problem is linked to the binaural sound recording process they used.... shouldn't be a problem though. Hmmm.

"Knowing how the world works
Is not knowing how to work the world"


Why would they do that?? i wonder how a little kid would react to the movie..... ahhhh!! no bad thoughts **slams head on desk to rid them**

Look at allll the colours, all the colours.. are yellow..


The sound might seem a bit off because it was recorded from microphones in Nicholas Hope's (Bubby's) wig. This was to present the experience of the film entirely from Bubby's perspective.


I found the sound very quiet at times
