The Disabled people

Please tell me they were actors. (the way bubby acted them, I’d say they are).

For all people who don't get what's so funny, i find the part from where he leaves the Salvation army building till he gates raped in prison to be very funny (and of course the gasoline station robbery scene).

Oh, and the f word on g-d, I didn't appreciate that. Religious people watched this film too.

just my 2 cents.


It's hard to watch almost whoever you are. Somebody here even said there was a warning at the theater where s/he saw the movie. I think that the difficulties are part of the point.
Were the disabled people actors? Well, for the length of filming at least they were. Why can't disabled people be actors? Some of those physical things can't be faked so I'm guessing they were actually disabled I think that's what you mean.
Don't watch What the Bleep Do We Know. It will offend you too.


Haven't watched this yet, but I'm gonna later today.

What the Bleep Do We Know is very interesting, but I guess many religious people would be offended by it...

Science is the last thing to try to stop us from believing what we want to believe...


Yes, What the Bleep Do We Know is unique in that it would probably offend most religious people, AND most scientists.


Absolutely true. What the Bleep is offensive to anyone who actually understands quantum mechanics.


I don't think they were actors. Well, not people "acting" as disabled people, because I think disabled people can be actors too (like in I am Sam etc) There physical disabilities were too real, for example the fingers and hands.


yeah, i dont see whats wrong with hiring disabled people as actors, actually i think its very postive (as long as they themselves are ok with it of course), i mean what else do we do? shove them away in homes where their only communication with the world is to be pityed? (spelt that wrong...)

the disabled people in this movie were one of the best bits for me because it says alot about them, also the fact that one of them falls in love with bubby was very powerful because i dont think we like to think of disabiled people having a sexuality and romantic feelings, it makes us feel uncomfortable that a person so incapacitated (probably used that word wrong) can actually have romantic desires (especially if they are homosexual in nature)

as for the f--- god bit... welll that was part of the film philosophy, "god probably doesnt exist but if he does who cares! we are the ones who should take control" i guess you just have to roll with it, ive lost faith in political correctness lately,

if you want to see a film with "normal" people playing mentally disabled characters watch "the idiots" its a foriegn subtitled documentary type thing where actors pretend to be mentally disabled and use it as an excuse to pretty much do what they like, i cant remember much of it i was half asleep but theres an orgy at one point...


I never knew Angel was meant to be disabled.
Where is it implied that this is so?

I ain't your pal, Dickface!


Angel wasn't disabled. She cared for disabled people.
What am I missing?


One of the disabled girls Angel cares for fell in love with Bubby. It was actually really beautiful and very sad at the same time.

"Knowing how the world works
Is not knowing how to work the world"


Her name was Rachael.

"Knowing how the world works
Is not knowing how to work the world"


Rachael Huddy in particular did a fine job. They were most certainly disabled, though (as if that weren't obvious, really). I used to spend a lot of time at a library and cafe where several of them were often present, Rachael included.

I didn't appreciate the cat scenes, myself. F#@! religious people.



They were definitely disabled, and also actors - in as much as they were about as experienced as most of the other actors in the film.



Autism isn't a mental illness, its a developmental disorder. We ALL suffer from varying degrees of mental illness.

I've worked as a support worker from time to time, and I can honestly say most of the nicest and most decent people I've know have had some form of disability, physical or otherwise. I dunno why, but hardship seems to bring out the best of traits in people.




why is everyone so "chicken" to reply to that one???


Cos you made a good point :-)



i wasn't vindicating you. i'm counting you as one of the idiots.


I find it very odd for someone to say people with disabilities shouldn't be in films. I believe that all the people involved in this film had a great time making it.

Except the cat.



Okay, let's give some of these people a break. They're probably normates, probably have never known a disabled person well enough to truly understand where s/he is coming from, and are trying the best they can to be compassionate and open-minded.


Having just watched it, I applaud the movie for using disabled (that the PC term now?) people, AND I might add I found myself curious about the Bubby and Rachael angle, wishing to know more about what she had to say finally, when she could be understood. I would not have minded time spent developing that somewhere in there.

Yes, this is an uncomfortable movie. The portrayal of Bubby is nothing short of brilliant. He WAS Bubby and you had no doubts about it.

The most uncomfortable part for *ME* was the rape scene of Bubby. Eww!? And was that fecal matter on the walls?! No thank you! I was holding my breath waiting on Bubby to cling-wrap that sumb*tch before penetration but no.....he looked at ease with it and closed his eyes. I had to sit back, deflated, we lost that battle. each his own. We all see things differently. Of course...*I'm* right about what the most difficult part was, but i respect your opinions as well. :p


there were most probably disabled... but there is nothing wrong with them being actors!!! its their physicall attributes that are stopping them from doing alot of things, their minds are still intact!! they might enjoy acting! its discrimination to assume they cant be actors, or any other things in film, what ever they have the capability of and the will, they should do and its not up to us to judge them, cuz it culd be us aswell.

if religeous people find it offensive they shouldnt watch it, or if they do they shouldnt complain, cuz no one is MAKING them watch it.... im religeous and i dont have a problem with it, why dont you open your mind a little more and look at the film in more than one angle!!


They were definitely disabled in real life and are not professional actors. I know someone who works with disabled people and she has worked with them. They are definitely disabled but they are not professional actors. They were simply chosen for the role cause their disability suited the character. Acting experience was not necessary and none of them had acting experience.


So we can say they were discovered then. First Time Actors. Rachel Did a very good job.


Yes, religous people should open their minds a little more, not too much of course.


Just so you know, the disabled girl that BBB falls in love with is Heather Rose, although the IMDB gives her name as Heather Slattery. Rolf de Heer gave Heather a major acting role in his 1998 film, Dance Me To My Song at which was entered in official competition at Cannes in 1998.

Rolf de Heer took Heather Rose to Cannes for the screening, and this visit was subsequently filmed and turned into a documentary called, Heather Rose Goes To Cannes [ ]. Sadly, Heather died several years ago, but her short lived career as an actress lives on in the three films she made with Rolf de Heer.


They had CEREBRAL Palsy.. they can think normally.
In fact the one that liked Bubby in those scenes, went on to write and star in Rolf de Heer's next film DANCE ME TO MY SONG. (I think- correct me if I am wrong).

As for blasphemy.. get over it. I loved the "god be nothin but a useless *beep* ha ha. I'm going to get that on a t-shirt.


I've not seen it yet but Crispin Glover's film What Is It? has a cast primarily made up of disabled actors

"And by retarded i mean they can do anything!" - Big S


From what I have heard the disabled people were not actors. The director went on to make "Dance Me to My Song" where the main character had cerebal palsy.

The movie is very similar to Oldboy in some ways also.


One aspect of employing the disabled people that has been missed here is that Rolf was showing that they are people too. Many people including the severely disabled are overlooked or misunderstood by most of society. It seems this is an area de Heer is interested in because he also comments on how fat people are viewed by most people as worthless.


Well, they were acting, so by definition, they're actors.
