What a beautiful film.

Back in 2005, before I saw this film, people kept on telling me that it's a foul, disgusting, horrible film. People were talking about all the incest and rape and animal torture and stuff and that's why I didn't ever want to seek it out. Then in 2006 I decided, out of curiosity, to buy it and watch it. Oh my gosh, what a fantastic film! Sure, there are some ugly elements here and there, but there's so much about this film that just feels so majestic and wonderful. I loved the scenes where he is at the concert and the scenes where he's with the disabled people. I found some of these scenes to have such an uncompressed sense of purity to them that you just don't see in films usually. I admit that there were scenes that deeply disturbed me, but it wasn't the scenes of incest or rape, though the scenes with the dead cat did disturb me. The scenes that disturbed me more were the scenes of casual cruelty, like the scene where the mom and dad are screaming at and humiliating their daughter for being overweight. I actually cried during that scene. However, there were so many other scenes that left me feeling all kinds of different emotions. This was a film that made me laugh, cry, smile, and get angry all in about equal measure. This was a trip, and I highly recommend that everyone takes the time to seek it out and watch it. The opening scenes start off a little ugly, but stick with it. It's a masterpiece as far as I'm concerned. 10/10




Okay. I take it that means that you disagree? If so then just say so.





Yeah I loved that too. Those two made quite a pair!



Or rather, she had quite a pair ;)


i have seen almous every movie that can be found on net or can be rented in video clubs.. and this one is one in a million.. the movie have a multiple messages inside it (all good ones).. i can rang it between 25 greatest movies of all times. If you like this one, you will also like "Alexandra's Project"... it's a kind of shocker also. i can compare it to D.Finchers "The Game" becouse the same atmosphere and story of birthday etc.. but the message and impact is totally different. This one is mature and strond, and "The Game" is somehow childish...


100% agree. Its also the kind of film that could only be made in Australia.


I walked out of cinema with the same feeling. How did he do it. How could he make so warm, so beautiful film about so disturbing things? There was so much love in the film. Amazing. And yes a masterpiece!

- No animal was hurt during the making of this burger -



i watched this movie with tears flowing down my cheeks the entire time, alternately sad ones and happy ones. during the scenes of abuse, i don't know if i would say i was disturbed so much as my heart was just breaking for Bubby. and to think, a man who lived his life without being given a single ounce of love or tenderness could become a man who cried tears of empathy for another person - the tears i shed in that scene were sad and happy at the same time! this was a beautiful film. it starts at the lowest and ugliest point human beings can stoop to and ends with what we all strive to attain - love and happiness. i don't know a single person more deserving of that happiness than Bad Boy Bubby.
