Brunette in sex scene

Who is the super hot brunette in the sex scene from the Salvation Army? Is she in other films nude?


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That chick made the movie thoroughly enjoyable

Do The Mussolini! Headkick!


Yes she is very beautiful, I hope you realise the significance of that to the story....


Can someone please explain to me the significance of that scene? I could never figure out why she just left without saying anything.


Just watched this again and I have a feeling that she may actually have left a note attached to his jacket. Of course Bubby didn't read it or realise its significance.

Might be wrong though! Who knows!


I keep thinking about it but can't work it out. I know there's something significant but what is it?


They were playing on the street collecting for the poors and after that they were spending the money in pizza and booze and the "pure" girl was doing it with a total stranger.
Maybe they want to show another face of The Salvation Army.
Sorry my english not native language.


Her name is Natalie. I did a play with her in Melbourne, she's a great chick and a great actress.


the significance of that went over my head! they were a bunch of con artists (not really salvation) the film is nuts im not sure it need to make sence...the director saw she was hot and thought llets get her naked.

Fenton!! Fenton..Oh Jesus Christ..FENTOOON



Anyone else think that scene was kind of ridiculous? Cute girl like that down to bang some weird-looking, socially retarded man-child hours after meeting him? I liked the movie, but that was just too much of a stretch.


i second that. while she played somewhat insecure gal, that kind of bum would only lower her self esteem. But at the same time she was very horny. That lady with éclairs also was quite good looking.

I guess what that movie wanted to say is that even normal people will act irrationally when faced with abnormal situations. It is hard to interpret something that you have no experience dealing with - every interaction was of human vs some sort of alien creature. Movie is full of such behavior.


thats BS, if you live in Australia, you'd know the average chick will sleep with any guy after a few beers, don't mean to crap on my own Country, but our women are just as easy as any westerner chick with beer in them.
