Help please! (spoilers)

when bubby goes into the church he hears the organ player, who after playing takes him to a factory. the organ player appears to be dressed as a priest but then starts saying things like "we must think god out of the picture" and such. is there any explanation for this juxtaposition? and why the factory?


Until Bubby left his home, he had no idea of what the world WAS, much less how it works. The Scientist was explaining to Bubby how the world works, and it all ties in to God, and how we must take action for ourselves.

The religious theme and God also ties into Angel's hateful parents and their mistreatment of her, also (according to mom) in the name of God.

Give his speech another listen or two and I think you will understand better.

"If you're truly wild at heart, you'll fight for your dreams"


gah, the factory was the only part of the movie i sorta rolled my eyes to and went, "seriously?" talk about a sledgehammer over the head to get the scene's point across. so we're supposed to look at this factory and think, on a subconcious level, "because we can build and operate a factory, there's no god." never mind the fact that it's a logical fallacy - there was absolutely no subtlety in that scene whatsover.


Its a installment, it makes much more sense, when that guy is showing/talking about the religions killing each other, bubby's mum with her jesus babble, but was a bad chistian/catholic W/E, it all made sense at the end of the movie, give it a rewatch.


was your comment directed to me or to the original poster?
