Remake vs. Original?

Is the newer Evil Dead film a worthy successor of the original trilogy? I was reading this review and they talk about how its an excellent film that both homages the old film and creates new room to move on with its own sequels.


I had good fun watching the film in the cinema. The wife and myself agree that it was a good remake that could easily stand on it's own!


It was ok. Honestly the appealing thing I loved in the originals was the cast. The pacing and most important the camera shots. It was fun to watch and sucked you in. The new one paid tribute but what's the point if it's lacking the goods?


Not a remake, it's been covered several times how/why the new ED is not a remake.

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9


Not a remake but it was a great movie.

Esta es mi firma



The original by far. The remake (sue me) may have looked like TED series but it didn't feel like it to me.
