This needs to be remade....

This film needs to be rebooted. It seems like after almost 20 years, we are still dealing with many of the same problems as before only this time the battle is with Big Pharma and their stranglehold on the patents for ARV drugs.

Homophobia is taking another upswing, people are still ignorant as to the nature of the disease, rumors about it being a gay disease still linger, and AIDS denialists are running over people in South Africa.

The issue now seems to be a class issue with poor people taking the brunt of infection. Because of big pharma generic drugs with a cost value of as little as 40 bucks are not making their way around the world due to Big Pharma's monopoly control over their distribution.


Interesting points. I'm not sure it would be the same movie with the same title, though -- would perhaps need to be a new movie with a new title, perhaps referencing some of the events in this one.


Exactly. Sort of like a reboot.


Or like a completely different movie that addresses the different problems that exist today. This movie was an explanation of the social and epidemiological work that went into identifying a brand new disease. A movie about the issues you raise would be completely different. No need to retread this story of how the disease was identified.


Interesting points, but the film is based on real events and specifically those from a book. So it could be a film inspired by this one perhaps.

Consequently, if you are interested in more info on the initial outbreak that is portrayed in this film, I highly recommend the recent doc "We Were Here" that is currently making rounds at the film festivals. It is fantastic.


Thanks for mentioning the new doco -- it looks good.


A remake is completely uneccessary. This film captures the era perfectly. A sequel of sorts would be more rewarding, showing how scientists have combated the disease since 1993.

Duty Now For The Future


Believe me if you've read the book you'll find the film a bit lacking. If it's remade they should probably try it as a mini-series so everything from the book can be included.



This film should be re-released like Titanic on all screens. It should be shown in junior high and possibly as early as grade 5. I was born in the early seventies. My first Sex Education class in school was 5th grade and I had to have a permission slip signed in order to participate - the body and puberty were discussed and diagrams shown. A film showing childbirth was shown. Safe sex was not addressed. Three girls who were in my class became pregnant by the 6th grade. By junior high and freshman year of high school, I had at least 5 friends who confided they had contracted an STD for which they took antibiotics. Most girls I knew could not ask their parents for birth control. Two girls who were my classmates had abortions grade 7.

I think the film is perfect as is and they could add a supplemental update to discuss a what we did not know then and what we know today. Truly - one of the most important films made. If I had children, it would be a mandatory viewing in my home.


There can be a different type of AIDS film but not keen on this was being rebooted, it still stands on its own feet now.

Its that man again!!


I agree. Just watched again today on HBO and noticed they added some stuff at the end with the comments e.g. 1998 410,000 people have died, etc. This was made in '93. Too bad they didn't add some newer pictures at the end.
