Henry. Louis. Gates.

Anyone see any paralells between the movie and the arrest of Henry Louis Gates IN HIS OWN HOME?
Because I sure did.


Let me put it this way: When you see a *black man* in Cambridge trying to force his way into a house, you know damn good and well what he's doing.

All joking aside, I looked this movie up as soon as I heard about that crap! Obama was right to call the police "stupid." But then, like a total chicken****, he took it back when he realized that it might offend some registered voters.

I'd love to see CNN show Andrew Sterling's somber monologue (I forget how it goes) during prime time right before showing more footage of this incident. But, alas, in two weeks everyone will have forgotten all about it.


That's why I came here. Haven't watched this movie in forever, but immediately thought of this.

"Weirdness was all he cared about. Weirdness and sex and plenty to drink."


So did I, dude. So did I.

The similarities are eerie!


Nope. Virtually no similarities. Gates was arrested because when he was politely questioned by the police, who were asking why he was climbing in a window, he verbally harassed them and refused to produce identification proving he owned the residence. Sammy Jackson's character in this film was an innocent victim, Gates was a pompous dick who deserved to get arrested (and could easily have avoided being arrested had he acted in a civil manner).


Well that's not true since the police report states he DID supply verification. The situation was basically over when Gates asked for Crowley's badge number.

Apparently Crowley refused, Gates became unruly and he was arrested. Both parties were at fault, but arresting someone in their own home because you accused them of breaking in seems a little extreme.

"Weirdness was all he cared about. Weirdness and sex and plenty to drink."


I have to agree with others that I thought of that incident as well when I first watched this movie tonight.


I tried that link. It is just a blank page.

"You have no idea how many times I have wanted to use my finger for the betterment of all mankind"
