What History Lesson?

Andrew doesn't want Amos to say their names together like: 'Amos & Andrew' because of some historical reference.
Does anyone know what he is referring to?
I'm not from the US so I don't know too much about American history.



It refers to the Amos n Andy show: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0043175/


Yeah he was almost certainly trying to refrain from having to explain what "Amos & Andy" was . It was a popular radio show in the 1930s, and even a TV show in the 50s if I remember correctly. It was historically important because because it was one of the first forms of mainstream media in America (perhaps the world) where the main characters were African-American. The downside of this (and most forms of mainstream media back then to feature African-Americans as significant characters) was that it portrayed them as a southern American stereotype, meaning they were poor, uneducated and didn't know how to speak proper English (who does nowadays?). So looking back on the program now it would certainly offend many people because it portrays a racial stereotype, but it was an accepted form of entertainment back then.

Peace is not the absence of affliction, but the presence of God. ~Author Unknown


Thank you
