Writing Paramount

In looking at some older messages on the subject of getting this series to DVD, a writer had said to write Paramount Studios and request it.....lets all take a few minutes and do so.

Paramount Studios
5555 Melrose Avenue
Hollywood, CA 90038


i think that imdbers should write to paramount, petition for the episodes from the 93-94 seasons on dvd, and ask them to see if cw will be able to do a new untouchables tv series, along with playing the reruns from the 93-94 seasons to support its dvd release

Paramount Studios
5555 Melrose Avenue
Hollywood, CA 90038



Most likely, only the first two requests would be honored; reruns on the CW? Not a possibility.

For the reruns, you could request of CBS that it rerun the show on Hulu or the new OTA sub-channel Decades.


Just out of curiosity, how many people have tried to get in touch with Paramount? I'd figure that if enough people contacted them they would probably release it. But I do agree that we get as many people together as possible and contact paramount





I for one, would be extremley happy to see this show, on DVD.
That's actually why I clicked on the page.
The first season was second to none!
However the second season was very disapointing.
I miss that show!


i enjoyed the first few episodes of the first season
but i sure wish people would be able to write to paramount petitioning them about a "complete seasons 1 and 2" dvd box set
that had special features on it :
like some history channel specials about prohibition
a trivia game
the promos for each episode
you know , enough special features that would be really amazing and cool for untouchables fans to see



Looks like it's been a while since anybody posted on this message board.
Paramount was taken over by CBS and I actually did write them a letter recently. I'm guessing letter-writing efforts from 5 years ago or so were not met with success. I can't find the series for sale anywhere (well, not "legal" anyway).

Maybe some day...I wonder if companies keep all of the shows/movies/etc when they merge with another company.


I wonder if companies keep all of the shows/movies/etc when they merge with another company.

In the case of CBS, yes usually, they do; they own all of the shows produced by the old version of Paramount Television.

You might want to ask CBS if the show can be shown on Hulu & Hulu Plus, or on Netflix; you can also ask a company like Shout Factory/Timeless if they can get the rights from CBS to put it on DVD (they've been able to get Webster on DVD and some others from CBS as well.) Or you can ask if the show can be shown on the new digital OTA sub-channel Decades.


That's a good idea.
I may give that a try and see if it gets me anywhere.
