So When does the show get good?

I'm not here to start a fight a troll. I only just started watching DS9. I just started season 3 and so far it's been kinda boring. Nothing of interest has really happened in the first 2 seasons. and the few episodes I seen on season 3 hasn't been that good, except maybe Odo finding his home world. and even then. I do plan to see the show to the very end. I just wonder why everyone likes DS9 show much. some people like it more the TNG.


It was more serialized, which was a type of television that was pretty much in it's infancy back in those days (although it's become the norm now). The serialization moves pretty slow for the first few years, though. I'd really suggest Babylon 5 for a much better use of the serialized format, as well as probably being the prototype for the current use of the format in American television.

TNG was good, but it did have the tendency to bang the reset button at the end of every episodes (or at the end of the occasional two-parter).


I long for the days when tv series would "bang the reset button at the end of every episode". The energy required to keep track of a continuous narrative and remember everything that was going on is sometimes more than I want to invest. I just want an hour-long story, wrapped up and done. If I wanted to see a neverendingstory, I'd stay home in the afternoon and watch "Days of Our Lives".


You are nearly there.

Season 4-6 are the best followed by 7 imo.
I think Season 3 is already an improvement over the boring first 2 seasons.


I second this 1000 times.


Duet & Necessary Evil are among the best Trek episodes and they are in the first two seasons.


The first two seasons have their bright spots, but I can easily say I would never watch them all the way through ever again. I'd watch a handful of 1 and 2, chucks of 3 and then mostly every episode from 4 and beyond.

So while I agree with you that some episodes were really good or great even, I can still fully agree with my previous statement. Especially when it comes to helping a new viewer.

I actually rewatched the entire series a few months ago and nearly allowed myself to give up because of how incredibly hard it was for me to get through the first two...i took two months off after getting through first two. never again.


If you aren't hooked by the end of the two parter "Improbable Cause/The Die is Cast," you probably will have trouble staying interested, even with Worf and the Klingons shaking things up in season 4.


The show is amazing - great characters (i personally prefer Sisko over Picard).

But its the recurring characters and their depth that make this show amazing.

Garak, Dukat, Rom and Nog.

You don't see that in TNG or VOY (you get a small taste of that with Shran in ENT).

Just started watching it again after nearly 10 years on Netflix, and I can say that 3 - 7 are my personal favourites (and won't binge watch season 1 and 2).

I tried to binge watch TNG before DS9 - but I just couldn't.


It's kind of amazing that two shows about smallish crews with remote assignments never could or would develop a big roster of recurring guest characters. Voyager and Enterprise should have had many many more guest stars coming back every few weeks.


So we all agree season 1 and 2 or the worst. Now it is up hill from here. thanks for the help.


So we all agree season 1 and 2 or the worst. Now it is up hill from here. thanks for the help.


To me the show gets better every season up to Season 6 and although 7 is weaker than 4-6 it is still much closer to those seasons in quality than to 3 (and let alone 1+2).

Meaning from best to worst 6>5>4>7>3>2>1

And if you ignore more subtle changes in quality between the seasons I would package them from best to worst like this:
4, 5 + 6
1 + 2


I definitely agree that season 5 and 6 are equally great! With season 7 and 4 coming closely behind. I also thing that season 3 is where things really started to develop relationship wise - where the characters weren't just "there". Bonds began to strengthen, and the overall story arc is beginning here.

Like the next generation Trek shows, TNG included, seasons 1 and 2 are hit and miss - while later seasons have found that stride.


Never. I love TNG but I really wanted to give DS9 a chance, since it has its diehards and I did enjoy Ron Moore's 'Battlestar Galactica'.

I recently finished binge-watching this and say at best the show is horribly uneven. I liked the Dominion War (the first 6 episodes of Season 6 had me hooked), but there was just too much that I just didn't care for. I don't care about the Ferengi, didn't care about Klingon politics/culture too much, HATED the Prophets and Bajoran religious storylines, really didn't care about Vic, didn't care about most of the romantic pairings (in either the couples were really boring or how they came together) etc. There's commentary that once you get out of season 1-2 and the show finds its feet it gets better (and I agree, for example as much as I enjoyed the TNG references they weren't helping the show) but it just never hit the stride for me.

It was bizarre. I appreciated the character development and did enjoy particular storylines, episodes, etc. but by the end I just wanted the series to be done. I didn't think 'In the Pale Moonlight' was that good of an episode either. The "dark side of the Federation" parts certainly didn't bother me (haven't watched all the series in their entirety but it wouldn't be surprising if people would consider DS9 as the most relevant at this time) but Avery Brooks sometimes just comes across as so hammy and theatrical. There were times when it was needed (punch Q out again!!) but overall this show just did not work for me.

Maybe I just need my Star Trek to be mostly on ships that go somewhere. :P


So off the mark there Garfield... but that's your opinion and we can respect that.


I agree 99% with this. DS9 was ritually disappointing. I liked some episodes in the middle but stopping liking much near the end. However, I am fine with it not being "a ship that goes somewhere." Babylon 5 was excellent.


Because as DS9 is easily the best Trek around, it's still inferior to Babylon 5, which DS9 ripped off from.


When does the show get good? As soon as you hit the "play" button.


Coincidentally, I"m rewatching the season 3 premiere episode "The Jem'Hadar" on BBC America. If you continued watching the series this episode established the overall story arc which dominated the series to its conclusion.


Just about when Worf arrives and The Dominion War starts. Until then, it's a bit of a bore.
