No Antoine?

I've looked on the cover and haven't seen Antoine on it. Of course, I haven't seen any great pics of it. Can someone confirm if he's there or not? He should be. I mean, Rotor made the cut...


Antoine is not on the cover, I'm 100% sure of that, Dulcy's not there either. Uncle Chuck, King Acorn aren't featured on the cover either.


Dulcy and Max I can buy, but Antoine is very prevalent in the series. Moreso than Rotor or Ixis.



The cover was done by ex-Sonic comic writer Ken Penders. I like it except that it's too bright. The only art done by the fans are the inserts inside the DVD case.


Yeah, Ken Penders did the cover, but was actually by a fan. ShoutFactory along with DiC Entertainment did competition and the winner's artwork would appear on the DVD boxset's cover. They wanted it to be from the fans and by the fans, they also included other fans' artwork.

They spent months on it, since September 2006. ShoutFactory got fans input from SatAM fansite, Fans United for SatAM. Can't wait for the Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM) DVD boxset.


So he drew it like I posted.


So he drew it like I posted

WOW! FriendofSonic, are you serious? Is that really you're drawing on the cover?


Graeme, that last sentence makes no sense.


Oh, I see. Read my sentence again. He (Ken Penders) drew it like I posted (previously)

