MovieChat Forums > Sonic the Hedgehog (1993) Discussion > Season 3 should be considered

Season 3 should be considered

I recently bought the Sonic the Hedgehog DVD set where it contains the whole series. It was great to see this series, I loved every inch of it.

I have been a fan of Sonic the Hedgehog for quite some time. Since I was unable to watch it on TV during its regular runs, I had to resort to Archie comics story line of Sonic -which by the way was a great reading. If any of you have read the Sonic comics, you can find that they were similar to the Sonic the Hedgehog series. This is why reading this comics series would make me feel closer to the Sonic the Hedgehog series.

In the end of the Sonic the Hedgehog one can find that the series leaves you hanging, as if one can be expecting a third season. Unfortunately, this never occurred because ABC did cancel the series after season 2 due to new leadership in the company.

I think that this form of decision making was rash and unintelligent. The series did contain much more potential than any other Sonic series. Including the one that is currently running; Sonic X. Sonic the Hedgehog did proved in being different, and more realistic. It seem that the things that were happening in the series were real. In other words, the story was believable.

This series had a wide variety of characters and ultimate ideas that can serve as metaphors; such as preserving nature vs contamination, freedom against tyranny, winning and losing, etc. This series highlighted through their stories how important it is for a group of people to stand for what they believe in.

It was unfair to cancel this series for the following reasons:
-The series was not given a respectable time in ABC and most of the time would have gotten cancel without the viewers knowing. I remember being one of the people who would get up early in the morning, just to watch this show; I also remember being disappointed because it was canceled due to football games or any other related sport.
-Since the other leading shows in that time would not cancel their Saturday morning cartoons, they started getting better ratings. This is cause and effect. This means that it was better to see other cartoons that would not change times -even if they were not as good- instead of watching Sonic because most people would go through my same disappointments.
-When the show was given reruns, it became more popular because people were able to catch up with the series, and thus loved it. Even now, there must be a good amount of people buying this DVD set collection. This means that making another series would defenetly equal that people would buy and see these series. In my mind this is good business for the broadcasting company.
-This series can probably make two other seasons and be successful because people now know what were the first two seasons and are expecting the third one since the project was never completed.

I do trust the writer Ben Hurst with his ideas for the third season. This was a great project and would hate to see it go down without it being finished. Inverting in the continuation of this project, giving it a better time on air, without interruptions, would definetly attract a big public. The public for this show, will not only be children but young adults too, which means that there will be more viewers, thus giving it better ratings. This is a win to win situation because the public will watch the series, the ratings will go up and the creator will be able to fulfill his dream in finishing his project.

I am certain that most of the cast will return, because it seems that this show bonded the people together in its making.

Things that people would like to see would be: Rising of Tails, Sinevely assuming control, introduction to Knuckles and the new villain Ixis Naugus.
Hope that anyone takes this into consideration and I would really like to form a campaign for making season 3 possible.

Please let me know what other things can I do for achieving this goal.

Jose Juan Pomales Lopez-



I hate to burst your bubble, but...

I'm of the opinion that we shouldn't have false hope for season 3: due to various issues, it just will not happen. The stars had to align just right for a DVD to even happen, and that sort of thing isn't a huge multi-million investment the way a TV show is. The licensing alone is a nightmare, and TV executives wouldn't be easy to convince, especially since Saturday morning cartoons aren't as big a market as they once were.

Not to mention that even if it does happen, it could easily happen that the show will come back in a form that we won't like. I don't like the comic book, for example, and I wouldn't like to see season 3 be like the comic book.

Don't get me wrong: I'd like to see a properly-done season 3 as much as the next guy. But I think in the end I'm happier if I just accept that it won't happen. That's no fun at first, but then, neither is eagerly anticipating something that won't happen. And hey, if you assume that it won't happen, and it happens, then you can be pleasantly surprised. :)

Anyway, if you insist on pursuing a season 3 campaign, the place to go is They played a large part in getting the DVD out by being a sizeable central community.

- Kef


By the way, I think instead of doing season 3, a direct-to-DVD movie might be feasible. (A theatrical movie would be even better, but... not very likely.) I still wouldn't count on it, but I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility.

- Kef



Some of the ideas for the third season sounded pretty good. I could have done without the "brief love triangle" between Sonic, Sally and someone else(I have had enough of that in Archie), though I trust that the writers would not have broken them up for good.

I don't mind that it is likely it will not get a third season. I am happy with what we have, and I imagine for myself what will happen and how I would have planned things.


I'm willing to bet that the "other freedom fighter" in the love triangle would have been Knuckles (once introduced) as it kind of was in the early comics right around the time SatAM was cancelled.

