MovieChat Forums > Sonic the Hedgehog (1993) Discussion > Which version of Rotor did you prefer - ...

Which version of Rotor did you prefer - Season 1 or Season 2?

Something that's always bugged me in this series is the redesign of Rotor's character between the two seasons, let alone the change in his voice actor from Mark Ballou to Cam Brainard. For myself, I definitely preferred the version of him in Season 1. If you ask me, S1 Rotor had more screentime, and hence had his personality fleshed out more than the S2 version to become quite a likeable character; additionally, I much preferred his S1 design over his S2 one - it just somehow seemed to exude more of a persona. I also want to stress that this is no slam against Cam Brainard - he was a perfectly good voice actor and, considering Rotor's role was so diminished in S2, he still managed to do a good job; had he always been playing the part, I certainly wouldn't have complained. However, I still found Ballou's portrayal of him more appealing - he was able to bring an endearing sort of goofiness to Rotor's voice that I think was lacking in Brainard's version.

But this is just my two cents on the subject - what do the rest of you think?


Season 1 by miles.


Season 1. Just got the DVD box set. Haven't seen this stuff in at least 12 years, so it was almost like seeing it for the first time again. The redesign in season 2 was jarring, and looked ameteurish. Oh well


Definitly season 1. Didn't care for the mouth and eyes in season 2.
