what animal was sally?

was she a female hedgehog or something else? and also what was Antione? was he another hedgehog or a fox??


No she was a squirrel and Antoine was a Coyote.

"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb"-Batman.


Sal's last name (Acorn) should be a tipoff. What animal is generally associated with acorns? Squirrels and chipmunks.


Sally is a Squirrel/Chipmunk hybrid.


No, sally was just a normal (large) ground Squirrel. (basically a rodent)


And surely Darcy, had she been a real dragon, would have totally nuked all the other forest creatures...


Read the comics, she was a Hybrid. Besides, Squirrels have long fluffy tails, Sally clearly doesn't, so she's obviousley not all squirrel.

Arguing online is like racing in the special olympics...
even if you win, your still a RETARD!


Hedgehogs aren't blue either, let alone the fact that foxes don't have 2 tails, am I missing something special about Sally not being a squirrel due to the fact she doesn't have a fluffy tail?



I guess it would make sense for Sally to be a hybrid of some kind - "Acorn" definitely marks her as a squirrel, though if you look at King Acorn, I've always thought he looked a lot like a fox.


The comics have confirmed that Sally is half squirrel (her father) and half chipmunk (her mother). And like an above poster has said, Antoine is a coyote, which was stated clearly by Robotnick in one issue.



well to my knowledge there's no real explaination as to why Sonic's blue and can run like The Flash... but the rest of their appearances were explained in the comic series. Sally was part squirrel part chipmunk despite the fact that her father looks to be neither of these animals (I think they referred to Sally as a nightwolf?), and Tails' appearance had something to do with him being the "chosen one". So yeah... I'm not complete with the facts but still hopefully this cleared SOMETHING up and proved that I'm a friggin geek.

