SatAM DVD problems

Has anyone else being having problems with the SatAM DVD Boxset? I tried them on the DVD recorder, the portable DVD player and the computer and having problems on nearly all of them.

My first boxset had bad skips on the 1st disc, some on Disc 3. 2 and 4 are fine. Plus these were tested on all three machines. So I replaced them with a second boxset, Discs 1 and 2 are fine but had problems loading 3 episodes on Disc 3 on both the portable and the recorder, didn't try disc 4. However trying the disc on the computer loaded but had a sync problem on one of the episodes. So I took them back today and got a 3rd replacement, and the same problems with Disc 3 - in fact nearly problem was on the recorder, plus the menu lagged badly on Disc 1. Not yet tried on the other two yet.


No my boxset seems to be fine, i guess you got a bad batch.

Attack Of The Giant Midget.


YES! I ordered it from Amazon. Both disc 1 and 2 have problems. Disc one keeps freezing at a certain point in the Secret Scrolls episode, and its nearly impossible to get the episodes after that to load from the menu. The 2nd disc had similar problems. I sent for a replacement and the new DVD seems to be exacrtly the same.

This is on my PC. I tried it on 3 seperate DVD players. On one the video is jittery and prone to freezing. On the second the video was fine but it was still prone to freezing and jumping, but on the third DVD player it seems to work fine. However this isnt a DVD player I could easily watch the DVDs on, since it lacks a fastforward/rewind function, and its in the living room of my house, meaning my parents are usually watching that TV.

I'm strongly considering sending it back again and just getting a full refund this time. At least now I know its not just me that has a problem.


I never bought the set, but I did order it from NetFlix. I haven't gotten discs 1 and 3 yet, but all the episodes on disc 2 were fine... Disc 4 had problems, however: the episode "Cry of the Wolf" would not work, even though all the others did. I tried it on 3 different DVD players, and I think I tried it on my computer, but it still wouldn't play!

Everybody, check your e-mail!
-Strong Bad
