Sonic SatAM movie

It looks like we'll be getting a SatAM moive that will pick up where the series left off. As long as they don't screw it up like they did the new games, I couldn't be happier!

Arguing online is like racing in the special olympics...
even if you win, your still a RETARD!


YEAH!! Right On!! Can't wait for this Sonic SatAM Movie, I feel the same as you, shotokanchickens. I couldn't be happier! I'm so looking forward to the series getting it's DVD boxset. That'll help the movie. They won't screw this movie up, it's not likely, cause Sonic SatAM writer, Ben Hurst is contributing to the script, given that he outlined what Season 3 would've been.


Oh yeah that's right, they got the original writers working on it. HELL YEAH!

Arguing online is like racing in the special olympics...
even if you win, your still a RETARD!


One of the original writers of Sonic SatAM. Ben Hurst is the only original mentioned. I don't know if Pat Allee, or en Janson are contributing to the script of this Sonic SatAM movie. I won't be surprised if Pat Allee was contributing to the script, given that Ben Hurst and Pat Allee co-wrote more of Sonic SatAM's Season 2 episodes.


Anybody an edit Wikipedia, and Wikipedia is not well known for it's facts, like the info on those "unaired" season 3 episodes which weren't even made.

I wouldn't celebrate until some solid, credible proof surfaces.



I know you can believe everything on Wikipedia, but some of there facts seem believeable, it hard to be sure they are telling the true.


I wish this was true. Hell if my father wasn't a douche I'd even front them the cash to get this done! =(


The post about the names of the season 3 episodes seems to have been delated, but looking on the website, I am pretty sure I know where it comes from. I noticed that "Beware of the Aftermath, and "the Journal" are from a fancomic of season 3. It is just some fans ideas of what the third season might have been like.


i don't see it. the only movie link i see, is linking to the japanese ova movie which i own and has absolutely nothing to do with satam.


i don't see it. the only movie link i see, is linking to the japanese ova movie which i own and has absolutely nothing to do with satam.

, there was a rumour that a Sonic SatAM movie was being planned, this rumour began before the Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM): The Complete Series DVD boxset was released. There's been no word on it for a few months now. Of course, only movie at the moment, is the Japanese ova movie. So you never know... a Sonic SatAM movie may be made.

And, Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM): The Complete Series DVD boxset will be released in the UK soon. So that's good news for UK Sonic SatAM fans.


"So you never know... a Sonic SatAM movie may be made. "

No it won't!

Randel Cole...


I agree. There will never - and I repeat - never be a SatAM movie.

Yeah, it would be awesome, but let's think like adults if only for a moment, shall we? The series has been done for, what, twelve years, now? I highly doubt any production company would be willing to front the money to produce a full length animated feature based on a series that lasted only two years, no matter how many fans are still out there. You may get a fan-made feature, but even that's pushing it.

And yes, Wiki is fun. But I feel too many people depend on it as if it were the only source of information. We all know it's a user-input system, yet people out there treat it as if it were the holy grail. Use your reasoning skills. You may surprise yourself.

You tell me a lot of things, but that doesn't mean I have to listen.
- Master Shake, ATHF


I honestly hope its ture and if it is, then that it gets out of devlopment hell. Would also like to see other comic chars given a voice, like Julie-Su for example.



I couldn't find any hint of a movie being made on the link given. Am I missing something here?

If they do have a movie in the works, they'll more then likely use the artist of the Sonic Comic to do storyboards and concept work. If so, then it'll probably be Patrick "Spaz" Spazigante, Tracey Yardley and/or Sanford Greene.

I'd be shocked if they didn't turn heavily to the Archie team for support and assistance. Especially, utilizing Ian Flynn in the writing staff!

"See You In Space Cowboy"


Hahahaha... you know the names of all the archie comic artists. Including one of their nicknames

Randel Cole...



They're probably not even making a sonic movie, they just wanted you to leave them alone.

Randel Cole...


I dunno, I think they might...just maybe not this soon and probably not with the SatAM characters sadly...

And yes, I know all the writer and artist names for two reasons. One, I've collected the comics since I was 10 and have every issue (it's my official geek guilty pleasure) and two, because I'm an inspiring comic artist and I know Tracy Yardley and Sanford Greene personally.

"See You In Space Cowboy"



AKnotholeResident is easily the least reliable source on the internet for anything.

Randel Cole...



Hahaha yeah i've seen your little skit and i've read a little of your work on the feature (trilogy? were you serious?) and enough to tell it would never work. No one (i mean REAL movie people) would invest that much money (tens/hundreds of millions) in a project that wasn't cannon and would only confuse people. No one wants a fan-fiction movie. And you're not the first person to waste their time trying to make their sonic dreams come true. No, i am not happy a sonic movie is being made, not until i see a clip that shows me the film will be GOOD and not ruin the franchise. The Tekken movie was anounced about 5 years ago and it still may never be made. You are only wasting sonic fans' time in giving them false hope and talking about rumors and mere possibilities as facts. You douche bag.

Randel Cole...


At least he is doing something!
Anything Sonic is good to me... well... anything GOOD Sonic, unlike Sonic X.



"At least he's doing something"

Anyone can write their own fan-fiction and try to take up as much of production companys' time as possible by sending it out everywhere. If a Sonic movie gets made it will have to be cannon and tell a new story that fits into the core storyline.

"There's never been a solidfied story for Sonic"

Yeah there has. Sonic team have ALWAYS owned and told the story of Sonic, they've just allowed others to make their own interpretations. But those writers and artists should have been aware that their stories may not be incorporated into the true story line i.e the games. They would just be seperate stories that, sadly a large amount of fans obsese over. Now i LOVED SatAm, I liked the characters better than in most of the games but I accept the facts.

Sonic the hedgehog, followed by 2, 3 & knuckles. Followed by the adventure series, followed by heroes, and Sonic 2006. Also the other side games such as chaotix, rush and rides are cannon.

Now I am doing something thanks guys, I'm just humble enough to keep it to myself. When it accumulates to something that could lead to me actually making a difference on the sonic series I may share, but until then I'm not going to waste other fan's time like our friend Richard k.

Randel Cole...


Rush and Rush Adventure isn't considered canon, the storyline for both differs of that of Sonic The Hedgehog 2006.

Next just because the stories are different and unrelated to each other, doesn't mean they can't come back again or be used. Sega might take an interest in it, I mean they did originally when Sally was suppose to be killed in the Archie comics, Sega called in for a last minute change, and was kept alive. Now I won't lie, it is a stretch if they do take an interest in making the SatAM storyline for new season in the cartoon, or perhaps in a Sonic Spinoff, but it isn't impossible either.



I just want a project with characters from the Archie comics back in animated form. ANy movie based on the games would be nice, but I've been hungering for something in the vein of an updated SATAM for some time now. ;_;


I'd like that too...And the way I figure it, if the comics are based on SatAM, they'd have plenty of stories from the comics to use even if they couldn't come up with an original story. It just seems really unlikely, but I suppose there's a *possibility* a SatAM movie could be made, so let's not be *entirely* pessimistic. And anyway, regarding AKnotholeResident's efforts, there is no reason to criticize someone for their commitment to something (not to mention totally dismissing a script they must have taken a long time writing!), so let's not go around hurling insults, people.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


(sigh) finally, back on the fraggin' subject.
BTW, I'm all for a SatAM movie and/or 3rd season, even though I haven't read any of the comics, might have seen one or two eps. of the show (and don't remember squat), and played only a few of the games (alate bloomer, I guess you could say).
Also, does anyone know where I can get the previous Sonic Comics, plz?

Hasta la vista, baby!


You could try Ebay (esp. the "Express" section)- I know probably all of the already published ones are on there. Just a warning, though: the sellers tend to make the books look really cheap, then they overcharge on the shipping so they can still get a lot of money. Like, five dollars to ship one measly comic book.

You could also go to a comics store, buy a new one, then use the order form inside to buy a "collector's set" containing every issue published in a certain year. It's tremendously helpful, though the years available tend to change every month.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!




What did you have an agent for? To manage your gayness?

Randel Cole...


