MovieChat Forums > SeaQuest DSV (1993) Discussion > Pilot Episode ......What the?

Pilot Episode ......What the?

In the pilot episode howcome they didn't just shut the computer down and either do a cold reboot or restore the system from a backup? I mean people do do backups don't they?



The boat simply wasn't designed to handle computer warfare. The novel describes the computer diagnostics as just doing a "quick check", assuming that if there were any worse issues, then you'd likely be dead before you could fix them. Lucas seemed to be trying to fix that.

with regards to the backup idea, they couldn't be sure if that would fix the issue - if the backup had the malevolent program, they'd be right back where they started.

Not to mention - they're underwater. Without constant monitoring, life support (particularly at that depth) can go wrong in a number of ways very quick (too little oxygen, too much oxygen, insufficient heat, etc). If they even had the time for the restore, they may not have been able to risk bringing down the computer system - what if it didn't come back up?

I figured the sub's OS was custom written for the sub, not something easily hacked because it didn't have many vectors for malevolent programs to enter or persons who would have sufficient knowledge to create such a program.

Jake Meridius Conhale, at your service!
"Old Man" of the BSG (RDM) boards.
