This show was great.

I loved The College Years when it was on TV. I just got the DVD and I must say, its alot better then I remember it to be(and I have only fond memories). What a shame it didn't last. It was so much funnier then the original show(not saying the original wasn't funny, but there is a big difference between saturday morning funny and prime-time TV funny). I also like the leslie and alex characters alot more then Jessie and Lisa. The women who played Alex was the best part of the show. Anyway, Im gonna go watch some more episodes.



Ya know I just picked up the show and have to admit it that it was a very good show.

The show was more mature and funnier than it's younger, Saturday morning predecessor. Unfortunatly the timing didn't work out on the show. They bounced it around a few time slots and when MP Gosselar got the chicken pox it all but sealed the fate of the show {it was taken off the air for a few weeks, etc.}.

Due to those factors it suffered a Family Guy like fate, but DVD's were still 5 years off and so there was no chance for a resurrection for this show.

It really is a shame because it probably does a more accurate dipiction of college than the original did of high school or that any show has really done of the trials and triumphs of college.



I love this show, but not as much as the original. Lisa and Jessie were way better than Leslie and Alex. Alex always sounds like she has a cold. Is that her real voice? Every time she talks I cringe. And Leslie was just boring. Kelly was great just like she was in high school. That professor she dated was HOT!

The guys were the same except Zack looked like he had done some weight training and Slater finally cut his hair and threw away his curling iron. Screech's mugging for the camera became so over the top that it looked painful.


I loved this show too! I wish it would have continued on, although I don't like it better than the original series.
I loved Lisa in the original and to have her and Jessie 'replaced' by Leslie and Alex was not adequate. Alex was okay, but Leslie was dull.

Still, this show was enjoyable and funny, you gotta love it!

Gotta love Saved By The Bell!!!!!




Morons. Your bus is leaving!


Indeed you are, now get outta here!

Gotta love Saved By The Bell!!!!!
