New to RTLD

I saw Lonesome Dove a long time ago when it first came out and it was one of the saddest movies I'd ever seen. I kept thinking . . . what ELSE can possibly go wrong. So, in an effort to see all of Jon Voight's films (having just discovered him!!!) I rented Return to Lonesome Dove. I really liked it although it took me three days to finish it! There was quite a nice tension between Newt and the Captain that held my attention. I had hoped for a different ending, but that's life! I especially liked the relationship between Pea-Eye and the Captain. It was a beautiful expression of a solid friendship. Pea-Eye's quiet sensitivity to the Newt/Captain turmoil was admirable, and somewhat bittersweet to watch. The Captain was an incredible character. Reminded me a little bit of Captain Ahab in Moby Dick.



Nicely said. I have made this same observation many times.



that being said, i enjoy larry's 'pure' storyline as well.

classic stuff.


If McMurtry wanted the tale between LD and SoL told his way, he should have written it.

"They sucked his brains out!"


I agree. I like RTLD a lot and enjoy watching all of the other dvd's as well.


Its not Lonesome Dove yes, but IMO its better than Streets of Laredo.


To all those who have never seen Return to Lonesome Dove:

I envy you.

Having seen it only once, all I can remember is that it wasn't very good, taking the characters and tossing them into a cliche ridden, middling affair. I will never see it again.

While Streets of Laredo will never be in the same class as Lonesome Dove it is the better story than RTLD.


While it may be sad to learn that Newt, July Johnson (revealed in the early pages of the novel and before the events of Streets of Laredo) and Clara (revealed in the books last pages) die...

*End Spoilers*

...the story itself is sprawling and almost mythical without being unfocused and actually has real motivations for the characters and why they do what they do. The ending is bitterweet for the way it presents Call's final years to come but it is entirely plausible. We all want the main character to remain how we remember them but, sadly, it doesn't always come to that.

Having said all that, Lonesome Dove is one of those perfect books and movies that does not require a sequel or prequels.


I don't really get the logic that people say the better a story the more it doesn't require a sequel. The better a story, the more it makes you hungry for more. Lonesome Dove may not have needed a sequel but it was definitely a story that make you hungry for more.

And I don't know why you would envy those who haven't seen Return to Lonesome Dove. If you didn't like it, thats your beef and your opinion, but many people did. Myself included.

Return to Lonesome Dove had several things going against it before anyone even viewed it, not only was it the sequel to what many people consider the greatest Western novel and movie of all time and drew the inevidible comparisons, but it was also not written by the original author, and despised by him being branded as nothing more than a cash cow to milk his creation. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. But a good story is a good story right?

If you look past the fact that this movie was the sequel to Lonesome Dove and the fact that McMurtry hated it and branded it an unofficial sequel, you actually have a very good western that has everything you could want in an entertaining story.

If you don't think Return to Lonesome Dove was a worthy sequel, thats fine. But it was no less worthy than any of McMurtry's follow ups.


I'll admit that I watched only 30 minutes of the first installment but,,,, that was plenty for me..

When a movie starts out with a great looking young girl,, dressed as a pistolero (in form fitting clothes) shooting holes in the headstone/board of Gus McCrae,,, I thought I was watching a prequel to "Bad Girls".

Capt. Call had more lines in 30 minutes than he had in 6 hours of LD.. His body language and entire demeanor was as if he were Gus reincarnated.. Verbose, jovial,, overall likable.. So far removed from the original character,, it made it impossible to watch..

The ENTIRE feel of the original was lost,,, especially the sincerity and darkness. The dialogue was right out of "How to Write a Modern Western". It was a touchy, feely, antiseptic, PC, forced, contrived,,, you gotta like this movie,,, movie.. And the acting was a bit,,,, fluffy...

If I were going to make a sequel,, I'm sure I would want to make it at least as good as the original but,,,, there's a sucker born every minute and some people will watch anything (Real Housewives of Atlanta)..

Glad I only wasted 30 minutes on this turkey.....
