the social worker


if anybody happens to look at this so late in the day, what happened to the Social worker. Last she was seen she was at the Advice Center tearing things off the bulletin board and threatening to expose and blacklist Parker Jones.

My wife and I figured he'd kill her too and they'd catch him for that, but the show ended without even addressing what happened to her.


I figured that she'd just seen Parker Jones for what he really was and that was that, I wouldn't have minded to know what happened to her but it wasn't really relevent to the main storyline.

'You can have the *beeping* clock!!' - Rula Lenska in Losing Louis.


She went back to work dealing with the degradation and depression of society and left PArker Jones to continue doing what he did.


Not exactly. It is shown that she tries to drive the kids away from the advice center, but never shown what happens afterwards. Given her knowledge and the files Tennison provides Jessica Smithey, you can suppose that Smithey will be in touch with her soon. Parker Jones was pretty much done for, one way or another.


While she was ripping items down from the bulletin board at the Advice Center, she yells to one of the kids there, "This place is being closed down."

Later on, when Tennison goes to the Center to pick up Parker Jones for the final interview, he's sitting there by himself reading the paper, and says something like, "You should be satisfied. Everyone is gone." So the social worker appeared to have some luck in driving the clients away from Jones' Center.


I don't thing she would have been able to continue as a social worker, as when the story came out, in Jessica Smithy's newspaper, it would have shown her as unwittingly helping Parker-Jones continuing to sexually abuse children.




In the drama of this, an aspect that is missed is the burn-out rate amongst social workers. I knew a woman who dealt with juveniles who are picked up by the police, either as runaways or in abuse calls. She routinely dealt with abused children in the worst circumstances and more often then not couldn't really help the child due to the restrictions of the law and the child's own fears of the abusers. She ultimately left the job, though was still working to help children at risk in another environment. I had a deep respect for the work that she did and does now.

