Favourite Mountie

Who was your favourite Mountie that was posted in Lynx River? Eric, Brian or James?
Mine personally was Eric. He seemed to have cared more about everyone and he adapted to the community better than James or Brian.Everyone seemed to have liked him more. To bad they had to kill him off! They should have just had it that he moved to Regina to be closer to his kids, so then this way he could have made guest apperances.



Eric was a nice enough guy and all but my favorite was Brian. His character knew his business even if he had a brusque attitude. Although he got caught up in that compromising situation and the corruption, he eventually realized the situation was spiraling out of his control and took the best action he could think of to regain control and perhaps preserve his honor.

I don't have to show you any stinking badges!


Eric. He projected the "fish out of water" thing quite well.


Brian was my favorite.. he played the strict cop role best!

Eric was removed from the show because he had an OFF-screen relationship with Michelle (tina Keeper) They also had a child together.. anyways he assaulted her in a hotel and she put a restrainging order against him.. thus his removal from the show!!


I always liked James, even if he was an arrogant little *beep* to start with. He eventually got a clue though. Dang, he was hot! One of the most sensual voices I've ever heard too.

I liked Brian until he went all loopy. One line I loved that was his was when he was sitting in the diner with Harris and Gerry and everyone else was at a town meeting, Brian said something to the effect of (not a verbatim quote), "I now convene the first meeting of the Lynx River Lonely White Guys Club."


I had no idea they had a child 0.o


My favourite was always Eric.




They coudn't keep him on as a guest. Tina Keeper was dating him during the first season and when they broke up, was not wanted on the show, and to make sure he did not come back, she went the idea of killing off eri and focusing on the native side more.


My favorite was James. Not only was he highly intelligent, he was a good guy under all of his arrogance, and he turned out to be Michelle's best partner since Eric. Yeah, he was a *bleep* at first but at least once he woke up and realized that there are other people in the world, he settled down and became a great cop in the end.

I liked Eric too, and missed him when he was killed off.

Brian... Meh... He was okay at first but I didn't really care for him after he took advantage of Brenda and then lied about it to Michelle.

