Favorite episodes?

I used to watch this show when I was young and I'm revisiting it. I'm almost done with the first season and so far I've enjoyed the following the most:

Neverending Battle
The Green, Green Glow of Home
All Shook Up (Lex Luthor is fantastic in this one)
Vatman (this rendition of Bizarro is quite good and it was a treat to finally see another supervillain. Probably my favorite episode)

Learn to Swim.


Target Jimmy Olsen. Other than the fact that it revolves around Jimmy, I can't say for sure why this episode appeals to me so much.

Not a word you want to hear in this house.
Catch ya on the flip side.


Tempus Fugitive
“How dumb was she.” Classic speech.

I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.



The christmas episodes, all the episodes with Tempus and all the episodes with The Prankster.


How about the one where the Daily Planet is sprayed with that "love" perfume!!!


That's cute all though not a favorite. I think it has something to do with the child in me that watched the series. And since my mom didn't record that so I didn't see that episode until I was an adult so.. :)


Too true! As a child that would have been boring!


My absolute favorite episode is the one where all of the old gangsters come back to life and Clark has to fake his death.


I don't really knew all the episode names... But I like the Christmas one with Mr. Mxyzptlk, all the episodes with Tempus, the one where Lex Luthor's son traps them in VR, and the one where that woman falls for Jimmy cause she thinks he's Superman! I'm probably still missing a few, this was just a great Superman series.


"The People vs. Lois Lane" and "Dead Lois Walking"
"Tempus Fugitive," "Tempus Anyone," "Soul Mates," "Meet John Doe," "Lois & Clarks" (i.e. the Tempus episodes)
"That Old Gang of Mine"
"The Green Green Glow of Home"
"Virtually Destroyed"
"The Man of Steel Bars"
"Fly Hard"
"Barbarians at the Planet" and "House of Luthor"
"Lucky Leon" and "Resurrection"

Everything you built that’s all for show goes up in flames in 24 frames


but srsly... all of the first season episodes...

the rest...
the rat spray Christmas one.
the first wedding -- anyone want some frogs??
mason drake episodes -- good to throw a wrench in the works once in a while.
ordinary people
the marriage institute. lois' neighbor is a pip!!!
any episode that has clark's powers transferred to someone else or he loses some power and has to do without.

Reading the paper can really be depressing. Mr. Dithers fired Dagwood again.


Home is Where the Hurt Is
Sex, Lies and Videotape
This Time We Aren't Kidding


'Virtually Destroyed' from season 3 and all the Christmas episodes, especially the Sherman Hemsley ones.
