MovieChat Forums > Late Night with Conan O'Brien (1993) Discussion > nbc should fire fallon and just let the ...

nbc should fire fallon and just let the roots play for the whole hour

the show would suddenly become a million times better


YES! And I would totally tune in for an hour for the Roots jamming it out...


id be more likely to watch it than with that clown as the star. in the little amount of time ive seen of the show, the music seems to be the only good thing its got going.

o wait, i forgot about lick it for 10 dollars. now that is comedy at its best.


I'm not entirely sure about Jimmy yet as I've only seen a select amount here and there but haven't totally written him off yet. Wait... yes, I have. That's why I've only seen a select amount, I can't stand it!


This topic doesn't belong on the "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" page.

Fishes can't fly and neither can I


Gee thanks, palref for being the IMDB forum police. Guess what? Anyone can start a thread about anything they want. Ok, palref? Sheesh.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


I think it is ok to talk about Jimmy for a while here too, as we are consciously or subconsciously making comparisons for the time being, just like Conan was compared to Letterman by Letterman's old fans. It will shift into the nice properly titled forums once Conan is on the air again in the new slot.
Not really a big deal...and Jimmy, like Conan once, has big shoes to fill. So far I like the Roots more than Jimmy himself on the show, but Jimmy can grow into things too.


In the beginning, Conan was hated by pretty much everyone and he sure wasn't seen as a worthy successor to Dave. But, Conan didn't have any baggage, Jimmy does. Jimmy brings with him a lot of negative baggage, as a lot of folks don't like him. Also, he is considered box office poison.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


So far I like the Roots more than Jimmy himself on the show, but Jimmy can grow into things too.

I gave him the first 2 episodes and that's it. Has he "grown into it" already?

reply may take a while. shrug. I don't know how long he has to get it in shape.

Jimmy would be fun at a party as part of a group of friends who know each other and share the same humor, but he needs to open up the interviews more and less in group chatty style.



please forgive me palref


I agree with your original post completely. When I first found out he had taken over Conan's hour (which makes this thread entirely appropriate for this board by the way)I said the same thing to myself.

I really don't mean to rag on Fallon but honestly they could do karoake and cover songs the whole time and I would be more interested.

I'm as single as Jesus Christ.
