Michael Jackson?

No I'm not talking talking about the beer expert who was a guest on the show many times. I'm reading that THE Michael Jackson was once on the show. Anyone has seen this episode? What was it like?


I looked it up and it appears that the beer expert named Michael Jackson was the one on that show:



Yes, but I said I wasn't talking about the beer expert. If you go to the singer Michael Jackson's IMDb page, you'll notice he has been credited as a guest on the show. So is this just a mistake?


It probly is, i dont recall Michael Jackson ever being on a talk show.


He did go on Oprah once. I remember it was a big deal cause he talked about his abusive father.

I'm a REAL hero. . . like a sexless John Glenn.


Hmm gotta look for THAT one!


I'm pretty sure it was one of those sketches where there's a picture of MJ on the screen and someone else is talking AS him. Forgot what it was called.

They were talking about his "child molestation" [which he didn't do] and such..I think this episode was back in 2003.
