Key West quote

In either the first or second episode, Savannah (Jennifer Tilly) tells Siemus that "There are wizards in the palm trees, elves in the waves....." or something to that effect. Does anyone have the exact quote?

Thank you soooo much if you do.

[email protected]



It's actually one of our favorite quotes...

.."there are angels in the spray, wizards in the palm trees and elves in the seashells and they all look very favorably on young writers.."

Savannah tells Seamus in the first episode.

If you would like to know more about the show or hear the theme music, check out our website

Bill Keatting
Jacki Walton


Are you sure it's not...
"Beer, Sweat, and alligator dung greet everyone who comes through the front door."
I'll check my tapes...


Does any know where I may obtain copies of Key West? I am looking for the original Pilot.......If anyone can help me out, I would appreciate it and be willing to compensate you for your time. Any help would be greatly apprecaited.


Please respond to the Following email:
[email protected]
Or [email protected]

Please place Key West in the message field so I dont delete it accidently.




My most memorable line from this series was when Jennifer Tilly said, "I'm the only person I know who grew up to be exactly what she wanted to be." Of course the punch line is that she's a prostitute. LOL

I remember this series very fondly, I watched every episode and was really sad when it was canceled. I too would love to have the complete series on DVD or even video tape with commercials. I really would love to know if the show lives up to my memory of it. There are so many shows I remember fondly that when seen again, many years later, don't hold up at all.

I remember loving Wonder Woman when it was on, but a few years ago I caught some repeats of it on the SciFi channel and my god did that show suck. LOL

Another series I'd like to have is The Greatest American Hero. Classic.

Take care,
Matthew Reed
[email protected]

"So shines a good deed in a weary world." Willy Wonka


"I completely Grok"
Sheriff Cody to Seamus in Ep.#2

**Gilligan had the right idea!**
