MovieChat Forums > Aladdin (1994) Discussion > Comparisons between Aladdin and Mozenrat...

Comparisons between Aladdin and Mozenrath

Did anyone see the similarities in features between the 2?
Mozenrath is a paler, more sharper featured version than Al, but it's still very noticeable.
I honestly thought on watching one of those episodes that they were brothers or something.
In a wierd crossover sort of way, they are a bit like Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy.
One is the obvious, struggling hero and the other is the privileged, evil brat.


Yep, they are meant to be compared to, around the same age as well.
Mozenrath is just a bit more evil.


since we're on the topic, what's his background?
Is he always this self absorbed and obnoxious?


Actually, the reasoning for the likenesses is very simple: "Aladdin and the King of Thieves" was never meant to be. The third movie was instead supposed to reveal that Mozenrath was Aladdin's brother, but they couldn't get Mozenrath's voice actor, so they went with the father instead...

Booth: We're Scully and Mulder.
Bones: I don't know what that means.
Bones is an awesome show!



I always thought Jasmine's counterpart was that harem girl that pushes Aladdin out the window in the first movie...actually, that's only because they sort of look alike.

In the series it would have to be that one evil lady that steals Aladdin and makes him fall in love with her.



Yes, Mozenrath & Aladdin are meant to be compared. All trivia says so. And yes, the 3rd movie was suppose to reveal that Mozenrath was Aladdins brother, but the voice of Mozenrath(the late & great Jonathan Brandis, may he rest in peace) was unreachable at the time. Which is sad...cause I probably would've liked the movie a lot more. Not that Aladdins dad is a bad plotline but yeah.

And any of you ever have a crush on a cartoon? I certianly did, on Mozenrath hisself, lol. I have this thing for villians, leave me alone, lol. But yeah...his voice was just the hottest thing to me. And later I discovered he was voiced by Jonathan, who I had a crush on when I was 5 & saw him in SeaQuest, & adored him in all his other TV roles/appearances, films & commercials so.


Slightly off topic.

Anyone ever notice the comparison between Mozenrath and Xerxes, and Jon's character on seaQuest and his swimming friend? Both voiced by the same man too.


Wish I could comment on the SeaQuest but it's been so long that I can't remember, but I too had a crush on Mozenrath and his voice and I was shock and then happy to find out his voice was being played by Johnathan Brandis. I do think Aladdin and Mozenrath was suppose to be compared, that's why my favorite episode is the one where they both switch bodies sort of. I loved it how Aladdin was acting like Mozenrath. (YOU FOOL!! lol)

~*Nothing gets the blood pumping like a good fall down the steps.*~


I have always thought how cool it would have been to have an evil counterpart for Jasmine, then Mozenrath and Jasmine's evil counterpart would be made for each other, but then I did not see all the episodes, so I don't know.

I always thought of Sadira as Jasmine's evil counterpart. Like Mozenrath & Aladdin she was DEFINITELY created to be compared to with Jasmine (especially in terms of looks).


Sadira never got enough episodes. I always thought she was prettier than Jasmine. Mozenrath and Sadira would have made an excellent pair since he's the King of The Black Sands, and she's a sand witch. That would have made for some great episodes!

"Love Is In The Light"



Who said Mozenrath's actually privileged? He's rather rich but we dunno his background, while he may have been rich before, everything we've seen him have was taken from Destaine.
When consider drawing parallels to HP, the most obvious one (Harry and Voldemort) is the only one possible. In fact, the similiarities are really amazing (especially considering that Aladdin was done before HP).
They're so amazing that it's a wonder I never thought about that before, considering that I was a fan of this series when I was like 6-8
Draco is a snobbish, not very friendly character in 1. He's more malicous in 2-5. And in 6-7, he's the most pitiable character ever and switches to the good guys side. No completely ruthless, powerful, power seeking wizard who has an army of corpses, collects old magical artifacts, tries to get a philosopher's stone, is pale and black-haired (and good looking) and looks somewhat like Harry / Aladdin. Draco's as powerful, interesting and evil as an old shoe and comparing him to Mozenrath is like comparing him to Voldemort.
The only true difference between Voldemort and Mozenrath is that the latter one isn't allowed to be as gruesome because the series's more aimed at kids than HP is (I don't think HP is adult material and couldn't be read to kids (kids are too sheltered away anyway), I just said that HP is also read by adults and is nothing for kids younger than, say, 6, while Aladdin is watched by those 3-10 and adults can watch it too but are extremely far from being directed at. I mean, I'm 14 and while, when the youngest siblings watch it, my attention sometimes strays back to it simply for the good memories (and also for acknowledging that among all the garbage kids are shovered with in tv, Aladdin does have some depth), I can't like it the way a child can (actually, I can't even with HP) nor can I truly say I feel targeted). Oh, and that we do know about Voldemort's background.

I`m not talking to myself- myself just won`t stop talking to I!


Mozenrath is meant to be a inverse version of Aladdin. As for why he's so heinous because he's a malignant egomaniac that wants to rule the world, and has no problem causing trouble, and stepping on any people that get in his way. He's pretty much the same as Scar except he's not a coward while Scar is.

Mozenrath dresses majestically, has no tan, is a ruler of a somber Citadel, is a malignant deplorable sorcerer wanting to rule the world. Also he's so invloved with trying to rule the world that he has no girlfriend. He has magic, as well as a gauntlet that gives him his other powers. Mozenrath is a malignant and sadistic wanting cause people to experience sorrow. He's also overconfident believing no one can defeat him.
