IMDB rating - a few thoughts

Only 634 IMDB users have voted so far.
As with Heimat (1984), the highest rating comes from women (of all ages).

What I find somewhat strange is that the average rating of 19 voters among the "top 1000 voters" is 7.9.
(Who the heck are these "top 1000 voters"?)

And finally, there were 13 people who actually rated this work with the vote of 1.
I am perfectly serious when I say, I'd LOVE to see which works they rated as 10!

P.S. In case you're wondering... my vote was 10.
(And I am a woman. ;)



Five years later, men rate it much higher than women. There's also a huge difference between US users (rating: 4.7) and Non-US users (rating: 8.3).
