How much action?

I'm a huge fan of asian bullet-fest movies especially ones from John Woo, but I was just wandering how much action there is in this movie. Is it as good as City on Fire? Thanks in advanced.


There's qutie a bit of action. Doesn't quite match John Woo's style but it's violent as hell! And no, not as good as City On Fire.

"Because anything else would be uncivilized."
-Hulk Hogan, Old Spice commercial


Thanks man


probably the only movie where you'll see a flamboyant gay magician stab a woman using slight of hand while his overly buff partner mows down pppl outside with an m16...



The combat sequences are off da' chi-zane! I especially like the brawls that Chow Yun Fat gets into. First with Hoodlum's thugs, then with Judge. Looks like street fighting and kung fu combined! It was amazing!


"The combat sequences are off da' chi-zane! I especially like the brawls that Chow Yun Fat gets into. First with Hoodlum's thugs, then with Judge. Looks like street fighting and kung fu combined! It was amazing!"

Hell yeah! This is probably the best hand-to-hand that CYF has ever done. The shooting and the chases weren't bad either :)


I'd actually say this is relatively light on action. There's a scene near the beginning, a brief car chase, the club shooting, then the warehouse battle and climax. Most of the action scenes are brief.

However, all the action scenes are extremely well-executed. It's light in comparison to martial arts flicks or the bullet ballets, but there's still enough to please most action fans I would say.


This movie's action lives up to its title. One thing I really find crazy and great about it is that it starts out violent, and it escalates more and more with each scene until the end. Probably my favorite action movie of all time: Good story, great action, great characters (Judge, Jeff, Loan Shark Hung, Deano, Virgin, even Sam the little biotch) and great dialogue.
Its not Shakespeare, its just good, violent fun. Plus I ride a motorcycle too.

When a man's got money in his pocket he begins to appreciate peace.


I'm a little late with my post, but I'm a new fan of CHOW YUN FAT and recently bought this DVD.I also rate FULL CONTACT as one of my favourites. I have managed to collect quite a few of his DVDs, even though they're not easy to come by here in the UK. I love watching movies, my number one hobby, and I have never seen any one as talented as this man. When he gets injured, his reaction is so real that you actually believe he is injured. His facial expressions and grunts and groans are so realistic. He's an absolute MASTER !!!Plus he's sooooo beautiful. He's so cool riding around on his bike with those shades, wow!
I don't think there'll ever be anyone like him...ever. The stories are always so good the special effects, the whole production,well every fan must know what I mean. Big up THE MASTER,MR. CHOW YUN FAT!!!

